Kadarwaty, Nita Nurlaila and Fitrikasari, Alifiati and Wardani, Natalia Dewi (2015) HUBUNGAN TINGKAT KECEMASAN DENGAN TIPE POLA ASUH PADA IBU YANG MENYEKOLAHKAN ANAKNYA DI HOMESCHOOLING. Undergraduate thesis, Faculty of Medicine.
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ABSTRACT Background There are lots of factors influence the type of parenting style (democratic, permissive, and authoritarian) including parent's psychological condition. Anxiety is a psychological condition that can be derived from parent to child. Thus, anxiety in childhood can probably exist until adulthood and may affect the incorrect type of parenting style. Aim To determine the association between anxiety with type of parenting style in mothers who send their children to homeschooling. Methods This was a descriptive analytic study with cross sectional design. The sampleswere 62 mothers suitable with inclusion and exclusion criteria, who sent their children to Zidni, Primagama, and ANSA Semaranghomeschooling. Respondents’ anxiety level was measured by Zung Anxiety Questionnairewhile their type of parenting was measured by type of parentingquestionnaire. The analysis used chi-square, Kruska Wallis, Mann Whitney, and Spearman Test. Results There was a significant difference in Zung anxiety scores among the types of parenting (p = 0.014). Besides, there was a significantassociation between Zung anxiety scores with scores types of parenting (p = 0.012). Furthermore, there was a significantassociation between anxiety level with the type of parenting (p = 0.013). Conclusion There was a significant association between anxiety level with the type of parenting. Key words: anxiety, type of parenting, permissive parenting, democracy parenting, authoritarian parenting * Undergraduate student of Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University ** Department of Psychiatry Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > RJ Pediatrics |
Divisions: | Faculty of Medicine > Department of Medicine Faculty of Medicine > Department of Medicine |
ID Code: | 46279 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 21 Oct 2015 09:10 |
Last Modified: | 21 Oct 2015 09:10 |
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