Items where Division is "Faculty of Social and Political Sciences > Department of Government Science" and Year is 2016
Number of items: 3. Sardini, Nur Hidayat (2016) Modus Pelanggaran Kode Etik Penyelenggara Pemilukada tahun 2015, Proyeksi dalam Pemilukada 2017, dan Antisipasinya Bagi pengawas Pemilu. Jurnal Bawaslu, 2 (1). pp. 1-22. ISSN 2443-2539 Windiani , Reni (2016) PERSEPSI MASYARAKAT TERHADAP "LABEL" WILAYAH BASIS TERORIS (STUDI KASUS PERSEPSI MASYARAKAT SOLA RAYA) PUBLIC PERCEPTION ON THE LABEL "TERRORIST BASE AREA" (A CASE STUDY IN SOLO AREA). Jurnal Litbang Provinsi Jawa Tengah , 14 (1). pp. 121-132. ISSN 1412-9833 Yuwanto, Yuwanto (2016) The Dynamics of south Korea's Community Empowermwnt : A Legacy of Saemul Undong. In: Internasional seminar on community empowerment and cultural preservation through saemaul undong implementation, Fak. Filsafat Universitas Gadjah Mada. |