UTAMI, Vina Nurul and HADISAPUTRO, Suharyo and FATMASARI, Diyah (2016) PENGARUH EKSTRAK KETUMBAR (CORIANDUM SATIVUM) TERHADAP PERUBAHAN TEKANAN DARAH : Studi Laboratorium pada Tikus Pasca Melahirkan. Masters thesis, Postgraduate Program .
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Latar Belakang. Hipertensi merupakan salah satu komplikasi yang muncul pada masa kehamilan, bersalin dannifas,berkisar 5-10% dan menjadi salah satu penyebab kesakitan dan kematian ibu bersama perdarahan dan infeksi.AKI yang disebabkan hipertensi sebesar 23,95%. Biji ketumbar mengandung senyawa flavonoid yang memiliki efekantihipertensi dan diuretik Tujuan. Menjelaskan tentang pengaruh pemberian ekstrak ketumbar beberapa dosis terhadap penurunan tekanan darah sistolik tikus pasca melahirkan hipertensi. Metode. Jenis penelitian adalah true experimental dengan rancangan randomized pre test and post test controlled group design. Jumlah sampel yaitu 30 tikus putih betina galur wistar terbagi dalam 5 kelompok. Alat ukur yang digunakan untuk variabel tekanan darah adalah sphyngonanometer. Analisis data menggunakan uji paired T-testsedangkan uji parametric menggunakan One Way Anova dan Repeated Measures Anova. Hasil. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh ekstrak ketumbar dosis 10 mg/kg BB, 20 mg/kg BB dan 30 mg/kg BB terhadap perubahan tekanan darah tikus pasca melahirkan dengan p value 0,000 < 0.05). Dosis 20 mg/kg BB dan 30 mg/kg BB tidak memiliki perbedaan signifikan (p value = 0,900) Kesimpulan. Ekstrak ketumbar dosis 30 mg/kg BB tidak berbeda signifikan dengan dosis 20 mg/kg BB terhadap penurunan tekanan darah sistolik tikus pasca melahirkan. Saran penelitian lanjutan dilakukan pengukuran tidak hanya tekanan darah sistolik tetapi juga diastolik dan dilakukan kepada manusia sehingga dapat menyempurnakan penelitian ini. Kata kunci : ketumbar, tekanan darah, tikus betina, post partum Background. Hypertention is one of complication during pregnancy, partum and post partum, it is about 5 to 10%. Most of gestational hypertention cases are being preklampsia, and become one of the pain and death factor to mothers along with haemoragic and infection. Mostly, the death value of mothers in Central Java caused by hypertention is 23.95%. CoriandumSativum (cs) contains flavonoid which has a beneficial effect to mamalia cells as antihypertention and deuretik. Objective. To expain about the implication of givingCoriandumSativum for some dosis to the decresing of blood pressure of pot partum mouse. Method. The type of this research is true experimental with randomized pre test and post test controlled group design. The amount of samples in this research are 30 female white mousesgalurwistar, divided into groups with 6 mouses for each of groups. The experimental utility to measure blood pressure variable is sphygonanomter. Data analysis uses paired T-test, whilst parametric test uses One Way Anov (Aanalysis of Varance). Result. The research shows 10 mg/kg BB, 20 mg/kg BB and 30 mg/kg BB of Coriandum Sativum give an implication to blood pressure of post partum mouse with p value 0,000 < 0.05. the doses 20 mg/kg BB and 30 mg/kg BB of coriandum sativum have not significant diferent (p value = 0,900). Conclusion. . the doses 20 mg/kg BB and 30 mg/kg BB of coriandum sativum have not significant diferent to influence of blood pressure for post partum white mouse. The advice of this research can be a reference for further research to human being as a subject, and not only measure sistolik but diastolik that can make this research more perfect. Key word : coriandum sativum, blood pressure, female white mouse, post partum
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > RA Public aspects of medicine > RA0421 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive Medicine |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Epidemiology |
ID Code: | 51358 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 09 Jan 2017 09:40 |
Last Modified: | 09 Jan 2017 09:40 |
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