Analisis Implementasi Sepuluh Langkah Menuju Keberhasilan Menyusui (LMKM) di Rumah Sakit Pemerintah Tipe B Kota Semarang

Ningrum, Elisa Murti Puspita and Kartasurya, Martha Irene and Pradigdo, Siti Fatimah (2014) Analisis Implementasi Sepuluh Langkah Menuju Keberhasilan Menyusui (LMKM) di Rumah Sakit Pemerintah Tipe B Kota Semarang. Masters thesis, UNIVERSITAS DIPONEGORO.

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Universitas Diponegoro Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Program Magister Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Konsentrasi Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak 2014 ABSTRAK Elisa Murti Puspita Ningrum Analisis Implementasi Sepuluh Langkah Menuju Keberhasilan Menyusui (LMKM) di Rumah Sakit Pemerintah Tipe B Kota Semarang xv + 79 halaman + 4 tabel + 2 gambar + 12 lampiran Salah satu upaya menurunkan Angka Kematian Bayi (AKB) di fasilitas kesehatan adalah melalui program Rumah Sakit Sayang Ibu dan Bayi (RSSIB) dengan berpedoman pada 10 Langkah Menuju Keberhasilan Menyusui (LMKM). Studi pendahuluan menunjukkan bahwa di rumah sakit pemerintah tipe B kota Semarang belum menerapkan 10 LMKM secara keseluruhan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pelaksanaan 10 LMKM di dua rumah sakit pemerintah tipe B kota Semarang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif. Jumlah informan utama 12 orang, yaitu 2 bidan dari tiap ruang (poli kebidanan, bersalin, dan nifas) di tiap rumah sakit. Informan triangulasi, yaitu 1 orang tim RSSIB, 2 pasien hamil dan 3 pasien nifas dari setiap rumah sakit. Data dikumpulkan dengan wawancara mendalam. Pengolahan dan analisis data menggunakan analisis isi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan 10 LMKM di kedua rumah sakit masih rendah dalam hal konseling menyusui pada ibu hamil di poli kebidanan, belum semua ibu nifas diberikan teknik menyusui yang benar, belum terbentuknya KP ASI dan salah satu rumah sakit belum melaksanakan IMD pada semua pasien. Implementasi 10 LMKM yang masih rendah berkaitan dengan kurangnya komunikasi, sumber daya, komitmen dan pembagian wewenang dan tanggung jawab yang belum jelas. Disarankan kepada tim RSSIB untuk melakukan sosialisasi, monitoring dan evaluasi dalam pelaksanaan 10 LMKM. Kepada manajemen rumah sakit disarankan untuk penyegaran kembali tim RSSIB, pembagian tanggung jawab dan wewenang pada tim RSSIB, pengadaan media yang komunikatif serta mengefektifkan tenaga kesehatan lain untuk menjadi konselor ASI. Kata Kunci : Analisis Implementasi, 10 LMKM, Rumah Sakit Pemerintah, Komunikasi, Komitmen Pustaka : 40 (1989-2012) Diponegoro University Faculty of Public Health Master’s Program in Public Health Majoring in Maternal and Child Health 2014 ABSTRACT Elisa Murti Puspita Ningrum Implementation Analysis of Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding (LMKM) at a Type B Public Hospital in Semarang City xv + 79 pages + 4 tables + 2 figures + 12 enclosures One of the efforts to decrease Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) at a health facility is by implementing a program of maternity and baby care hospital which refers to 10 steps to successful breastfeeding. The result of preliminary study showed that a type B public hospital in Semarang City had not comprehensively implemented these 10 steps yet. This research aimed to analyze the implementation of the 10 steps to successful breastfeeding at two type B public hospitals in Semarang City. This was qualitative research. Number of main informants were 12 persons. They consisted of 2 midwives from each polyclinic room (midwifery, delivery, and postpartum polyclinics) in each hospital. In addition, informants for triangulation purpose consisted of 1 person who was a team member of maternity and baby care hospital, 2 pregnant women, and 3 post-partum patients in each hospital. Data were collected using in-depth interview. Furthermore, data were analyzed using content analysis. The result of this research showed that the implementation of the 10 steps to successful breastfeeding at two hospitals was low in terms of the breastfeeding counselling on pregnant women at midwifery polyclinic. In addition, not all postpartum women received training in order to breastfeed well. A support group of breast milk was not available. One of the hospitals had not implemented early initiation of breastfeeding for all patients. The low implementation of the 10 steps was due to lack of communication, resources, and commitment. In addition, it was because of unclear job descriptions and responsibility. The teams of maternity and baby care hospital need to socialize, monitor, and evaluate the implementation of the 10 steps to successful breastfeeding. The hospital managements need to reform the team members, share responsibility and authority in the team, provide media communicatively, and encourage other health workers in order to be breastfeeding counsellor. Key Words : Implementation Analysis, 10 Steps to Successful Breastfeeding, Public Hospital, Communication, Commitment Bibliography : 40 (1989 – 2012)

Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Subjects:Q Science > Q Science (General)
Divisions:School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Public Health
ID Code:44237
Deposited On:12 Nov 2014 14:15
Last Modified:12 Nov 2014 14:15

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