Mutia, Rahmi Pratiwi (2013) INTERPRETASI KHALAYAK TERHADAP PROGRAM ACARA “ISLAM ITU INDAH” di TRANS TV. Masters thesis, Master Program in Communication Science.

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ABSTRAKSI INTERPRETASI KHALAYAK TERHADAP PROGRAM ACARA “ISLAM ITU INDAH” di TRANS TV Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan latar belakang munculnya berbagai sajian agama di televisi yang seringkali ditampilkan dengan tolok ukur media. Hal ini menyebabkan dakwah di media seringkali mengesampingkan esensi kesakralan materi agama. Salah satu acara dakwah di televisi yang menarik audiens hingga saat ini adalah acara “Islam Itu Indah”. Acara “Islam Itu Indah” memiliki rating yang tinggi dan termasuk dalam kategori acara terpopuler di awal tahun 2012. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui interpretasi khalayak terhadap program acara “Islam Itu Indah” di TRANS TV. Informan yang menjadi subjek penelitian sebanyak empat orang, yaitu dua orang dari anggota komunitas NU dan dua orang dari anggota komunitas Muhammadiyah. Penelitian ini mendasarkan pada paradigma interpretif dan menggunakan metodologi etnografi audiens research. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori Social Action Media Studies yang memiliki enam premis, yaitu: (1) makna dihasilkan oleh proses interpretasi audiens, (2) makna pesan-pesan media dan program diproduksi secara aktif oleh audiens, (3) makna media mengalami pergeseran terus menerus ketika audiens mendekati media dengan cara yang berbeda, (4) makna dari program atau pesan tidak bisa ditentukan secara individual namun bersifat komunal.(5) Tindakan yang menentukan pemaknaan kelompok untuk isi media dilakukan dalam interaksi antar anggota kelompok. (6) audiens terdiri atas berbagai interpretive community yang masing-masing memiliki pemaknaan terhadap apa yang dibaca, dilihat, dan didengar. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa informan merupakan audiens aktif dan selektif menentukan program acara yang ditonton. Informan tidak menggunakan televisi sebagai media hiburan namun lebih kepada manfaat yang diperoleh. Informan melakukan seleksi terhadap acara dakwah yang ditonton berdasar tema acara yang disajikan. Interpretasi informan terhadap acara “Islam Itu Indah” dipengaruhi oleh latar belakang pendidikan agama. Makna komunal selalu menjadi dasar bagi informan dalam memaknai pesan media yang berkaitan dengan agama. Interpretasi informan menunjukan bahwa tafsir komunitas yang diyakini Ustad Maulana condong pada tafsir komunitas NU. Keywords : Interpretasi, Dakwah dan Komunitas. ABSTRACT INTERPRETATION OF AUDIENCES ABOUT PROGRAM "ISLAM ITU INDAH" at TRANS TV This research’s background conducted with the appearance of various religious programs on television which are often displayed as the media benchmarks. It cause media to put aside the material essence of religion in a dakwah program. One of the dakwah program which has an exciting missionary endeavor on television audience is "Islam Itu Indah" (Islam is Beautiful). This program has the particularity of the Ustad Maulana, material presented, and various things related to the program packaging. The success of the "Islam itu Indah" can be seen from the high ratings obtained, including the category of the most popular events in early 2012, as well as the intensity of this program. However, the data obtained from some researchers, shows that not all of the audience give positive assessment for this program. This research conducted to determine the general interpretation of the program "Islam Itu Indah" at TRANS TV. Informant of this research are the member of the NU and Muhammadiyah community. Interpretation of the audience will be obtained from the personal side of informant as audience as well as community members of NU and Muhammadiyah. The type of this research is qualitative research with the interpretive paradigm and an ethnographic approach toward the audience as analysis technique. This research uses the “theory of Social Action Media Studies” consists of six premises: (1) The meaning generated by the audience interpretation; (2) The meaning of media messages and the program actively produced by the audience; (3) Meaning constantly shifting media when the media approached the audience in different ways; (4) The meaning of a program or message can not be determined on an individual basis but communal; (5) Measures to determine the meaning of the content of the media performed in the interaction between group members; and (6) An audience composed of various interpretive community, each of which has a meaning of what is read, seen, and heard. The results showed that the informant is an active audience and selectively determine which program to watch. Informants do not use the television as a medium of entertainment but rather the benefits gained. Make the selection of informants who watched the show based on the theme are presented. Interpretation informant against the "Islam Itu Indah" (Islam is Beautiful) influenced by the background of religious educational. Communal meaning has always been the basis for the informant to interpret media messages related to religion. Interpretation shows that the interpretation of community informants who believed Ustad Maulana tend to commentation NU community. Keywords: Interpretation, Preaching and Community

Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Subjects:H Social Sciences > H Social Sciences (General)
Divisions:School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Communication Science
ID Code:40758
Deposited On:26 Nov 2013 19:44
Last Modified:16 Dec 2015 17:13

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