Rusmiyatun , Sri (1998) Pengaruh Aditif terhadap degradasi Fotokimia Polimer Selulosa. Undergraduate thesis, FMIPA UNDIP.
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Telah difelifi penganih pet ambahan aditif pail (), pati kationik (MS), karboksimetil selulosa (CMC). butilhidroksi toluen (BIEM dan karbon hitam (CB) terhadap degradasi fotokirnia polimer seltilosa. Selulosa disiapkan sebagai bubur dengan der-ajtif. giling 45 - 47 SR. Aditif ditambalikan deugarr vauiasi 5%, 8% dan 12% berat terhadap selulosa dan dikondisikan untuk Vasil kontak optimal_ Degradasi dilakukan dalam sel cleuadasi yang dirancang sedemikian sinar UV dan gas 02 dapat mengenai sampel secara efektif Pada. lama cleg•adasi terten.tu dilakukan analisa. sakarida. degradasi, pembahan berat molekul dan perubahan spektra FR.. Hasii degradasi meningkat dengan bertambahnya waktu dan % aditif karbon hitam. Hasil penelitian menuqiukkan bahwa selama 40 X 4 jam degradasi 400 mg selulosa dengan penambaha.n aditif 5% , 8%, dan 12% inenghasilkan berturut-turut •sakarida. terlarut ; 10,396 lug, 11,0 mg dan 11,1 tug , penurunan berat molekul relatif ; dari 42361„82 menjacli 5631,49, dari 44235,58 Inenjadi 3776,57 dan dari 40336,45 mertit-idi 10888,55 , serta polo. spektra. IR yang berbeda. Aditif BHT dan MS inernberikan listsil deg-adasi yang lebih keel!. Degradasi kombinasi UV dan tnemberikan efek degradasi yang lebilz besar dari pada degradsai ITV saj a. Dapat disitnpulkan bahwa aditif karbon hitam mempereepat degradasi, BHT dan MS -‘derung melindungi selulosa dari degradasi sernentara. pati dan CMC tidak memberikan pengaruh yang nyata. Adanya gas 02 pada tekanan 0,5 atm dapat mempereepat proses degradasi. It had been researched the effect of additives i.e. Starch, Cationic Modified Starch (MS), Carboxymethvl cellulose (CMC), Carbon Black (CB), and Butylhidroxy Toluene (BHT) on photochemical degradation of cellulose • polymer. Cellulose had been prepared as boundary with 45 - 47 SR. Additives had been added with 5%, 8%. and 12% weight of cellulose and had been conditioned to be contacted optimally. The dt.-:gradation had been done in a degradation cell that made so that UV light .;indreniu pi-essure of P.28 0? .;;an penetrate to the sample efIntivelv. Sample had been taken and identified every time to determine the water soluble of saccharide as degradation product, the changing; ofrelative molecular weight, and infra red spectra. The degradation product was increase with increasing of time and % carbon black added. The results showed that for 40 X 4 hours of degradation for 4.00 mg cellulose. with 5%, 8%, and 12% of additives had resulted in water soluble of saccharide; 10,396 mg, 11,0 mg and 11,1 mg, decreasing of relative molecular weight; from 42361.82 to 5631.49, from 44235.58 to 3776.57 and from 40336.45 to 10888.55 and changing of infra red spectra. BHT and MS gave smaller value of degradation product. The combination degradation with UV and 02 had showed higher effect: of .degradation titan just degradation with UV. It could be concluded that carbon black was acted as sensitize, but BET and cationic modified starch as stabilizer, meanwhile starch and CMC did not give a significant influence. The presence. of 0,5-atm 02 gas had accelerated the degradation.
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Subjects: | Q Science > QD Chemistry |
Divisions: | Faculty of Science and Mathematics > Department of Chemistry |
ID Code: | 30706 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 1 |
Deposited On: | 04 Nov 2011 14:44 |
Last Modified: | 04 Nov 2011 14:44 |
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