Kartikawati, Henny and Sudaryanto, Sudaryanto and Djamiatun, Kis (2003) Pengaruh Ekstrak Herbal Andrographis paniculata terhadap Anemia dan Survival Mencit Balblc Selama Intake' Plasmodium berghei ANKA. Documentation. FAKULTAS KEDOKTERAN.
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Background: Sambiloto or Andrographis paniculata (A. Paniculata) is one of the antimalaria herbs that is studied intesively. An in vitro experiment showed that A. Paniculata can inhibit Plasmodium development. This herbs also had immunomodulatory effect Malaria remain a serious problem because this can cause death and severe anemia. The objective of this study is knowing the effect of A. paniculata toward anemia and survival Balb/c strain mice infected by P. Berghei ANKA. Subject and Method: nes study was was design with post-test only control group design. The .sample consist of 32 Balb/c ,strain mice, which devided into 2 groups: treated and untreated. The treated group received A. Paniculata herb 16.608 mg pennice per day, which began 3 days pre-infection followed every days post iriPction. While to the untreated group received 01/1(7-Na. Survival observation started since the treatment was given and during the infection periode. Perifery blood samplewas taken from the tail. The erythrocyte count was observed from the blood sample taken on day third, sixth and eighth post infection. The data were processed by SPSS 10,0 for Windows using Kaplan-Meier survival analysis method and log rank test to determine the equality between 2 groups. The data of erythrocyte count was processed using Mann-Whitney test Result: Survival time of treated group were significantly longer than the control group. This was also observed in the survival rate observation during the infection Physical signs were significantly better in the treated group. However, the erythrocytes count was nal significantly different between these two groups. Conclusion: A. paniculata can increase the survival rates of mice and improve physical condition against P. Berghei ANKA but had no effect in erythrocyte count Latar belakang: Sambiloto atau Andrographis paniculata (A. paniculata) adalah salah satu tanaman obat antimataria yg WW1 banyak diteliti. Percobaan in vitro membuktikan baltwa A. paniculata dapat mengltambat perkembangan Plasmodium. Herbal ini juga berperan sebagai imunomodulator. Malaria merupakan penyakit serius karena dapat mengakibatkan ketnatian dan anemia. berat. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui penganth A. paniculata terhadap anemia dan survival mencit Balb/c selama infeksi Plasmodium heights ANKA (P. herghei ANKA). Mikan dan Metoda: Desain penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimental munn dg desain post test only control group. Smnpel penelitian diperoleh dart 32 ekor mencit Balb/c dewasa, dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok yaltu kelompok perlakuan dan kelompok kontrol. Kelonipok perlakuan tnenetima ekstrak herbal A. paniculata [6,08 mg/ hari/ mencit yg diberikan secara per oral. Ekstrak herbal ini dilarutkan dalarn CC-Na 0,5% sebanayak 0,1 unl dari hart ke-3 pre infeksi dan sepanjang perjalanan infeksi P. berghei ANKA. Sedangkan kelompok kontrol hanya diberi CMC-Na 0,5% sebanyak 0,1 ml per oral, dari hari ke3 pre infeksi dan selama infeksi. Pengamatan survival dilakukan sejak perlakuan dimulai dan selama infeksi. Sampel darah tepi dari ekor guna penghitungan eritrosit dilakukan pada hart ke-3, ke-6 dan ke-8 post infeksi. Pengolahan data dg program SPSS 10,0 for Windows dg menggunakan teknik analisis kesintasan (survival analysis) metode Kaplan Meier dan metode log-rank test untuk membandingkan antara kelompok perlakuan dan kontrol. Data penghitungan entrosit diolah dg uji Mann-Whitney. Hasil: Survival mencit kelonipok perlakuan lebih tinggi dan berbeda bennakna dibanding kelompok kontrol: Walarmun demikian Purdah eritrosit kelompok perlakuan tidak berbeda bennakna dibanding kontrol. Kesimpulan: Pemberian ekstrak herbal A. paniculata mempunyai pengaruh m gkatkan survival mencit Balb/c selama perjalanan infeksi P. berghei ANKA. Akan tetapi pengaruh herbal ini tidak didapatkan pada jumlah eritrosit darah tepi mencit selmna infeksi.
Item Type: | Monograph (Documentation) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > R Medicine (General) |
Divisions: | Faculty of Medicine > Department of Medicine Faculty of Medicine > Department of Medicine |
ID Code: | 22019 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 5 |
Deposited On: | 07 Sep 2010 10:22 |
Last Modified: | 07 Sep 2010 10:22 |
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