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Sesaai dengan judul dari pada penalitien ini yaita A Evaluasi terhadap Sista Pembukalan KXN Gaya Baru, stadi Issue Posabekilan di Xesematan Slumber Reuben'', Naka penelitian ini bertajuan untuk song svalaasi siatem pembekalan KEN model barn yang pertains kali Wok sapakai •leh LPN UNDIP Semarang. lens dinaksud dangles gays barn adalah model pembekalan yang berbeda denten yang selama ini dilakukan eleh Universitas Dipenege re. Suoara global dapat dijelaskan bahwa pembakalan KKR gaya baru ini dilakukan selama sate semester seperti halnya kaliah mats ka-liab yang lain, dengan lama waktu KIN dua bulan. Sadangkan model pembekalan gays lama hanya dilakukan salaam satu mingga demon ter jun KEN salamis tiga bulane Dalas penelitian ini digunakan metode amgket/wawanoara kepa-da sejumlah peserta KEN di Ksoamatan Sumber aorta menggunaken mo-tets •bservasi langeung yang dilakukan oleh para Deaen Pembimbing Lapangan XXX yang bertugas di Keoematan Sumber. Sebagai objek penalition ini peneliti membagi pada tiga ke • lompek • Taitu kelompek LPN, kelompok Desem Pembimbing Lapamgan dais kelempek peserta XXII di Kesamaten Sumber Rembang. Dari basil pemelitian dapat dijelamkan seeara umum bahwasanya Bitten Pembekalan Gaya Baru ini perlu pembenahan dalan rangka pe nyemparnaannya. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat hal-hal yang belum dilakukan dengan baik oleh LPN yaitu monitoring terhadap para dosen penbimbing Lapang an yang bertages mengisi pembekalanm monitoring terhadap daft'r hass dir slaws jarangnya koordinasi dengan Dosen Pembimbing Lapangan. Dari pihak demon Pembimbing Lapangan nampak belum aiapnya miteri pembekalan salamis satu semester, serta waktu libUr dipakai untuk me+ ngajar ini nampaknya sebagai suatu masalah bagi DPL, Umiak kompaknya dalam mandempingi waktu observasi dun lain sebagainya. Dari pihak peserta KKN memiliki kesulitan Islam biding, melak-sanakan programs, waktu yang digunakan untuk menosri dans tidak *Mk-tif, program KXN yang terdahulu bolus penuh dilakaanakan, "Program XXX yang selalu berubah, basil observes' yang tidak efektif, Berta banyeknya tugas yang diberikan di !Campus. It is Baited to the title of this researCh , that is " The Evaluation to the system of preparation of New KKN, Case Study Preparation at Kecamatan Sumber Rembang ". So this research aims to evaluate the system of preparation of new KEN which is the first time done by LPN UNDIP Semarang. New model means new preparation that is different to the model whish has been done so far by Diponegoro University. It san be explained glebally that new model of preparation of new KKR is done for one semester as what is done for other lecture, by the time for two' months for KKR. While the old model of prs paration of KKN is done only for two weeks and three months for KIN in the field. Questionaire is used for KEN participants and also partici-pant observation method is used by field lecturers for those who have obligatory in Kecamatan Slather Rembang. Those are mothods used in this research. The object of this research is devided into three groups That is the group of LPM, the group of field lecturer and the group of KIN participants in Keciamatan Sumber Rembang. The research result san be explained glebally that the system of new model of preparation neede to be reevaluated for perfection. That fact can be seen that LPM has not monitored well to field lecturers who have obligatory to give lecture in KEN pro• paration, attamdence list of KKN participants, and it seldom coordinate to field lecturers. For field lecturers seem to be unprepaired to give lecture for one semester, and it is also a problem for DPL to give lecturer on saturdays in which they are holiday. And they are not coordinated when they have to guide KEN participants to ' have observation and so on. The prebleme of KEN participate are doing programs, time for looking donation is not effective,m the programs of previous KEN have not been finished yet, programs are changeble, observation result is/ot effective and so many duties given at Campus.
Item Type: | Monograph (Documentation) |
Subjects: | L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB2361 Curriculum |
Divisions: | Document UNDIP |
ID Code: | 20676 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 5 |
Deposited On: | 20 Aug 2010 09:47 |
Last Modified: | 20 Aug 2010 09:47 |
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