Suryat , Tony Subrata (2008) HUBUNGAN SETING TROTOAR DENGAN TUNTUTAN ATRIBUT PERSEPSI PEDAGANG KAKI LIMA Studi kasus: Jl. Prof.H.Soedarto, SH Semarang. Masters thesis, Program Pasca Sarjana Universitas Diponegoro.
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Campus Undip Tembalang was built on 1982; there weren’t much activities of the campus dweller, housing public and also circulation of people and vehicle. Along with displacement of some faculties from campus Undip Imam Bardjo to campus Undip Tembalang on 1990, and around year of 1995-1996 was the beginning of the built of the gate of Undip and statue Pangeran Diponegoro riding a horse, at the crossroad of Jl. Setiabudi with Jl. Prof. H. Soedarto, SH, hereinafter became the principal access and the real estate development area was beginning to grow so fast so that circulation of people and vehicle was also beginning to be so busy. So the road became the magnet of the incidence of activity support for example PKL (sidewalk merchant). This phenomenon happened at along the passage way at Jln. Prof. Soedarto, SH, Semarang. Pavement which is must be functioning as place of walking, is differently percept by PKL, it’s also functioned as their place to trade, so it became double-duty pavement, and means there are strength of property that is supporting PKL to trade at the setting of the pavement. This is a research of interconnected behaviour relation between men with their property setting, methodology applied in this research is rationalistic quantity methodology. Steps of the research are collecting field data by doing some observations, with methods of closed questioner and interview, and by paying attention to dependent variables, in the form of enthusiasm, response and hope to pavement setting with independent variable, in the form of attribute, activity, accessibility, comfort, security and safety, and visibility, hereinafter analysing and concluding. From result of the inferential research, there is relation between pavements setting with perception of PKL in the form of enthusiasm; the number of PKL at noon is less than the number of PKL at night, because the setting pavement at night and noon is not the same, so it influences the number of the merchant. That way, enthusiasm of PKL at zone 2, who trades at housing districts with excellent result, is more optimal, different setting influences differs the result, meanwhile the response of PKL is trading next to existing PKLs than trading alone, to complement menu and also to be with friends, while the hope PKL shows enough tendency with the condition (adaptive). The bearing with demand attributes perception of sidewalk merchant which are activity, accessibility, comfort, security and safety, and visibility, in detail can be concluded, they prefer to trade which the traffic circulation is busy, supporting infrastructures like: clean water, disposal passage, illuminator, trash can, easy access, trees, peil, very visible location, easy access to home. Meanwhile, demand attributes perception of sidewalk merchant to the pavement setting, there a re two batches, and who are related to the merchandise character and the necessity of space on the pavement setting. Tents of beverages, fruits, cassettes, VCD traders are opened with small necessity of space. Some of them are not having plastic tarpaulin roof. Tents of food sellers are closed, tarpaulin roof with larger necessity of space. Kampus UNDIP Tembalang didirikan pada tahun 1982, aktivitas masyarakat kampus dan masyarakat perumahan kawasan sekitar awalnya masih relatif sepi dan sirkulasi manusia dan kendaraan masih leluasa. Seiring dengan perpindahan bebrapa fakultas dilingkungan kampus UNDIP Imam Barjo Ke kampus UNDIP Tembalang tahun 1990, dan Sekitar tahun 1995 -1996 awal dibangunnya Gerbang UNDIP patung Pangeran Diponegoro menunggang kuda , dipertigaan Jl.Setiabudi dengan Jl. Prof.H Soedarto SH,selanjutnya menjadi akses utama dan tumbuhnya kawasan real estate demikian pesat sehingga sirkulasi manusia dan kendaraan mulai ramai dan padat. Sehingga Jalan tersebut menjadi pemicu (magnit) timbulnya fasilitas-fasilitas pendukung (activity Support), antara lain berupa PKL ( Pedagang Kaki Lima ), Fenomena ini terjadi di koridor jalan Prof. Soedarto, SH Semarang, Trotoar yang mestinya berfungsi sebagai tempat berjalan kaki , dipersepsikan berbeda oleh PKL, difungsikan sebagai tempat berjualan, Sehingga trotoar berfungsi ganda, berarti ada kekuatan properti yang mendukung PKL untuk berjualan pada seting trotoar tersebut Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian perilaku yang berkaitan hubungan antara manusia dengan lingkungannya (seting properti), metodologi yang digunakan metodologi Kwantitatif rasionalistik. Langkah Penelitian, melakukan pendataan lapangan (observasi), dengan metode quisioner tertutup dan wawancara, Dengan memperhatikan variabel terikat, berupa minat, respon dan harapan terhadap seting trotoar dengan variabel bebas, berupa atribut, aktivitas, aksesbilitas, kenyamanan, keamanan dan visibilitas, selanjutnya melakukan tabulasi, kemudian menganalisa dan memberikan makna. Dari hasil pembahasan penelitian dapat disimpulkan , ada hubungan antara seting trotoar dengan persepsi PKL berupa minat Jumlah PKL siang lebih sedikit dibandingkan dengan jumlah PKL malam, karena seting malam dan siang berbeda, maka mempengaruhi jumlah PKL yang berjualan, berbeda. Demikian, Minat PKL Zona 2 , daerah Perumahan dengan hasil jualan lebih optimal, seting berbeda hasil berbeda, sedangkan Respon PKL Ikut berjualan bersebelahan dengan PKL yang ada dari pada jualan sendiri, untuk melengkapi menu dan ada teman berjualan ,sedangkan harapan PKL menunjukan kecenderungan Cukup dengan kondisi yang ada (adaptif) kaitannya dengan tuntutan Atribut persepsi PKL terhadap seting trotoar, berupa aktivitas, aksesbilitas, kenyamanan, keamanan dan visibilitas, secara rinci dapat disimpulkan , PKL memilih tempat jualan yang sirkulasi lalu-lintas cenderung cukup padat , prasarana penunjang seperti: air bersih, saluran pembuangan, lampu penerangan,tempat sampah, mudah didapat ada pohon peneduh, peil tempat jualan kecenderungan sama tinggi , lokasi mudah dilihat tdak terhalang, kembali kerumah dekat, Sedangkan, tuntutan atribut persepsi PKL,ada dua kelompok yang ada kaitannya dengan jenis jualan dan kebutuhan ruang pada seting trotoar, sifatnya jual minuman, buah, kaset VCD, asongan, cenderung terbuka, dengan kebutuhan luas tapak relatif kecil, sebagian tidak beratap terpal platik, sedangkan jual makannan, cenderung tertup kiri kanan, atap terpal dengan kebutuhan tapak lebih luas
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | N Fine Arts > NA Architecture |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Architecture |
ID Code: | 17994 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 1 |
Deposited On: | 28 Jul 2010 13:18 |
Last Modified: | 28 Jul 2010 13:18 |
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