Items where Journal is Marine Biology
Number of items: 4. Ambariyanto, A and Hoegh-Guldberg, O (1999) Influence of field-based nutrient enrichment on the photobiology of the giant clam Tridacna maxima. Marine Biology (133). pp. 659-664. Ambariyanto, A and Hoegh-Guldberg, O (1997) Effect of nutrient enrichment in the field on the biomass, growth and calcification of the giant clam Tridacna maxima. Marine Biology (129). pp. 635-642. Amin, Rachmat and Nur Bambang, Aziz and Suprijanto, Jusup KARAKTERISTIK PERTUMBUHAN DAN POLA PERTUMBUHAN ALAMI KERANG KEPAH (Polyeosda erosa) DI PERAIRAN PEMANGKAT KABUPATEN SAMBAS KALIMANTAN BARAT. Marine Biology . (Unpublished) Amin, Rachmat and Nur Bambang, Aziz and Suprijanto, Jusup SEBARAN DENSITAS SUMBERDAYA KERANG KEPAH (Polyeosda erosa) DI PERAIRAN PEMANGKAT KABUPATEN SAMBAS KALIMANTAN BARAT. Marine Biology . (Unpublished) |