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Salah satu instrumen dalam bauran promosi adalah periklanan. Penerimaan masyarakat terhadap suatu iklan tercermin dalam TOM-merek (Tom of Mind) juga tercermin dari sikap masyarakat terhadap iklan. Berdasarkan basil survey yang dilakukan oleh SWA, Frontier Marketing dan Research Consultant dan MARS (SWA, 2000) diketahui adanya penurunan TOM-merek yang terbesar yaitu pada shampo clear. Apakah penurunan ini merupakan indikasi adanya penurunan loyalitas merek ?. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut maka penelitian thesis ini berjudul "Sikap Masyarakat Terhadap &Ian Shampo Clear dan Keterkaitannya Terhadap Loyalitas Merek di Kota Semarang". Tujuan dilakukan penelitian ini adalah : 1. Mengidentifikasi sikap masyarakat terhadap media iklan, copy iklan, TOM-merek dan loyalitas merek pada produk shampo clean 2. Menganalisis perbedaan sikap masyarakat terhadap media iklan dan copy iklan ditinjau dari segmentasi pendidikan, pekerjaan dan penghasilan. 3. Menganalisis keterkaitan antara loyalitas terhadap merek shampo clear dengan sikap masyarakat terhadap media iklan, copy iklan dan TOM-merek. Sesuai dengan penjelasan di atas, maka hipotesis yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini adalah : 1. Terdapat perbedaan sikap masyarakat terhadap media iklan yang digunakan shampo clear ditinjau dari segmentasi pendidikan, pekerjaan dan penghasilan. 2. Terdapat perbedaan sikap masyarakat terhadap copy iklan shampo clear ditinjau dari segmentasi pendidikan, pekerjaan dari segmentasi pendidikan, pekerjaan dan pendapatan. 3. Loyalitas merek memiliki keterkaitan dengan sikap masyarakat terhadap media iklan, copy iklan dan TOM-merek. Hipotesa 1 dan 2 diuji dengan menggunakan CM Kuadrat (CM Square) Perbedaan k Proporsi sedangkan hipotesa ke 3 diuji dengan menggunakan Chi Kuadrat Tabel. Kontingensi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan uji hipotesis diperoleh hasil sebagai berikut : 1. Sikap total masyarakat terhadap media iklan yang digunakan shampo clear dan copy iklan produk shampo masuk kategori "cukup baik". 2. Urutan 10 besar TOM-merek untuk kategori produk shampo secara berurutan masing-masing diduduki oleh : Clear, Sunsilk, Pantene, Rejoice, Neril, Metal Fortis, Kaofeather, Loreal Elseve, Atalia dan Birkin Extramild. 3. Terdapat perbedaan sikap masyarakat terhadap media iklan yang digunakan dan copy iklan produk shampo clear ditinjau dari segmentasi pendidikan, pekerjaan dan penghasilan. 4. Sikap masyarakat terhkdap media Wan, copy iklan dan TOM-merek mempunyai keterkaitan dengan loyalitas merek dimana TOM-merek keterkaitannya lebih donainan dari pada sikap masyarakat terhadap media ildan maupun copy ildan. Mengacu pada basil penelitian tersebut diatas maka implikasi manajerial yang bisa ditarik adalah bahwa untuk meningkatkan loyalitas merek terhadap merek shampo clear, pihak pemasar perlu mempertimbangkan untuk melakukan strategi perubahan sikap. One of the instruments in promotion diffusion is advertisement. Social acceptance towards an advertisement can be seen in TOM-brand (Top of Mind) and also can be seen from social attitude to wards the advertisement. Based on the result of research done by SWA, Frontier Marketing and Research Consultant and Mars (SWA, 2000) known that there is the biggest decreasing of TOM-brand that is on clear shampoo. Does this symptom indicate the decrease of brand loyalty ?. To answer the question above, so the research of this thesis entitled "Social Attitude Towards Clear Shampoo Advertisement and Its Correlation Towards Brand Loyalty in Semarang City". The Objectives of this research are : 1. To identify social attitude towards the media of advertisement, TOM-brand and Brand loyalty on Clear Shampoo product. 7. To analyze the difference of social attitude towards the media of advertisement and copy of advertisement viewed from some aspects : education, job and income. 3. To analyze the correlation between the loyalty towards Clear Shampoo brand with social attitude towards the media of advertisement, copy of advertisement and TOM- Brand_ According to the explanation above, so we have hypothesis in our thesis There is difference of social attitude towards the media of advertisement used by Clear Shampoo viewed from some aspect : education, job and income. 2. There is difference of social attitude towards copy of advertisement from Clear Shampoo viewed from education aspect, job from education aspect, job and income. 3. Brand loyalty has correlation with social attitude towards the media of advertisement, copy of advertisement and TOM.- brand. Hypothesis 1 and 2 are examined by using Chi Square. The difference of K proportion while the third hypothesis is examined by using Chi Square of Contingency Table. Based on the result of research and the test of hypothesis we come to our conclusion that :1. The total of social attitude towards the media of advertisement which is used by Clear Shampoo and copy advertisement of shampoo product including "good enough" category. 7. The big of TOM- brand of shampoo product category consecutively are : Clear, Sunsilk, Pantene, Rejoice, Neril, Metal Fortis, Kao Feather, L'oreal Elseve, Atalia, and Birkin Extramild. 3. There is difference of social attitude towards the media of advertisement used and copy of Clear Shampoo product advertisement viewed from aspects of education, job, and income. 4. Social attitude towards the media of advertisement, copy of advertisement and TOM- brand have correlation with brand loyalty which TOM- brand has correlation more dominant than social attitude towards the media of advertisement or copy of advertisement. Referring to the result of research above, so the managerial implication of the study is increase brand loyalty towards Clear Shampoo brand, marketing should consider to do the strategy of changing attitude. V
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD28 Management. Industrial Management |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Management |
ID Code: | 9948 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 1 |
Deposited On: | 03 May 2010 22:02 |
Last Modified: | 03 May 2010 22:02 |
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