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Perbankan dalam memfokuskan kegiatannya dapat memilih beberapa strategi antara lain meningkatkan kredit dan simpanan dana masyarakat, memperbaiki kualitas aktiva produktive, pengendalian biaya serta meningkatkan produktivitas.Kondisi krisis moneter sejak tahun 1997 dan semakin ketatnya persaingan telah mendorong Bank Rakyat Indonesia untuk melakukan Reorganisasi berdasarkan konsep Strategic Business Unit ( SBU). Tujuan penelitian ini ialah, pertama untuk mengetahui pengaruh factor kredit yang diberikan, dana simpanan masyarakat, kualitas aktiva produktif, biaya OHC (Over Head Cost ), serta produktivitas terhadap laba usaha BRI Area Mikro Pekalongan, kedua untuk mengetahui perbedaan kinerja perusahaan yang diukur melalui laba usaha pada BR1 Area Mikro Pekalongan antara sebelum dan pada saat berlangsungnya uji coba Reorganisasi Micro Banking, ketiga untuk mengevaluasi implikasi dan pengaruh Reorganisasi SBU Micro Banking atas kinerja bank. Metode analisis yang digunakanan ialah metode statistik dengan model Analisis Regresi Linger Berganda dan Pooled Variance t Test agar analisis serta pembahasan terhadap permasalahan menjadi lebih terinci dan terarah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa laba usaha BR1 Area Mikro Pekalongan secara bersama-sama dipengaruhi secara signifikan oleh factor kredit yang diberikan, dana simpanan masyarakat ,penyisihan aktiva produktif, biaya over head cost (OHC) serta produktivitas pada tingkat signifikansi 5 % dengan F ratio 144,787 dan probalitas 0,00 serta nilai koefisien determinasi (R2) sebesar 0,93 %. Adanya perbedaan kinerja perusahaan yang diukur melalui laba usaha pada Bank Rakyat Indonesia Area Mikro Pekalongan antara sebelum uji coba Reorganisasi SBU Micro Banking dengan saat uji coba Reorganisasi SBU Micro Banking pada tingkat Signifikansi 5 % dengan F ratio sebesar 24,843 dan probabilitas 0,00 serta t hitung sebesar — 8,040 Implikasi strategi Reorganisasi SBU Micro Banking atas pelaksanaan Fungsi-Fungsi Organisasi, Struktur Organisasi serta Wilayah Kerja telah memberikan hasil positif terhadap peningkatan kinerja . Hasil analisis penelitian ini merekomendasikan jika pihak bank ingin memiliki kinerja keuangan yang baik pada saat berlangsungnya uji cOba. Reorganisasi SBU Micro Banking hams didukung oleh pemberian kredit secara sehat, pengumpulan dana simpanan masyarakat, perbaikan kualitas aktiva produktive, meningkatkan motivasi sumber daya manusia dan meningkatkan produktivitas . Sangat diharapkan penelitian ini dapat memberikan sumbangan pemikiran bagi manajemen bank untuk mengelola usahanya agar memiliki kinerja yang baik, dan menjadi acuan bagi masyarakat dalam melakukan investasi pada bank yang memiliki kinerja yang baik. Recently Banking, in focusing their activity can choose these various strategies, such as credit improvement, people's saving allocated, remedying of the productive activa quality, cost controlling and productivity upgradeable.The condition of monetary crisis since 1997 and strong competition had motivated the Indonesian People's Bank (BRI ) to provide the reorganizatioan based on the concept of Strategic Business Unit (SBU ). The research is aiming firstly to know the influence of factors like give credit, people's saving allocated, the productive activa quality, overhead cost and the productivity of BM s business profit in Pekalongan Micro Area, secondly to know the differences of company work's that measures through BRI's business profit in Pekalongan Micro Area of before and during the Micro Banking Reorganization test, and thirdly to evaluate the implication of SBU Micro Banking Reorganization and its influence to the bank 's work. The research method was used a statistic method by modeling the Linier Regression Analysis and Pooled Variance Test, so the problems discussion and analysis will be focusing and more details. The result of this research has has shown that Bill's business profit in Pekalongan Micro Area significantl, both influence by factors of given credit, people 's saving allocated, the remain of productive activa, overhead cost and the productivity on 5 % of significant level with 144,787 of F ratio and 0,0000 probability with 0,93 % of coefficient determination value (R2). There is differences of company that measures through BRI's business profit of Pekalongan Micro Area before and during the execution of the Micro Banking Reorganization test on the 5 % of significant level with 24,843 of F ratio with 0,0000 probability and t counted —8,040 The strategy implication for Reorganiation SBU Micro Bathing on the execution of function and structure of the Reorganization with its scope of works have given a positive results to the works improvement. The result of this research is recommended it the bath wants for a good work on the Micro Banking Reorganization test, should be supported with a healthy given credit, people's saving allocated, improvement of productive activa quality, increasing motivation the human resources, and productivity upgradeable. Hopefully that this research is yielding for idea coveying to the banking management in running their business for a good effort and as a reference for society in doing their investment with a bank that has a good work .
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HG Finance |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Management |
ID Code: | 9768 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 2 |
Deposited On: | 29 Apr 2010 22:09 |
Last Modified: | 29 Apr 2010 22:09 |
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