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Prior study had examined the attributes of product quality which Influence on quality perception. The examined attributes are performance, feature and durability. This research was conducted to developed quality dimensions variables as reference of research gap which appears in the field. Measurement of quality attributes was carried out after modification of hand tractor. Product modification was Intended to improve product function, because the hand tractors are manufactured in standard quality that need further modification to get best performance. Variables of product quality and of service quality have positive impact on the performance of service marketing. Based on the research background, research gap was developed to research question, i.e. : Does the product quality modification influence on performance of marketing service? ; How is the performance of marketing service described by product quality modification factors and service quality ? ; and How is the impact of product quality modification on service quality ? To answer these question in this study, a research model was developed. The model has three constructs and three hypothesis to be tested. The data of this research were collected from manager of hand tractor rental service after one season operation limitation. There are 100 respondents in 'Wilayah Semarang". The data analysis was done using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) as analysis tool on AMOS programe. The results of signification test model done by testing goodness of fit were GFI (Goodness of fit Index), AGFI (Adjusted Goodness of Fit), RMSEA (The Root Square Error of Approximation), CMIN/DF (The Minimum Sample Descrepancy Function/Degree of Freedom), CFI (Comperative Fit Index), TLI (Tucker Lewis Index), den C.R. (Critical Ratio). Results of data analysis showed that all hypothesis could be proved. Therefore, it can be concluded that : product quality modification have positive Impact on marketing service performance; service quality have positive impact on marketing service performance; and product quality modification have positive impact on service quality. The results of this study have theoritical and managerial Implication described In the conclusions chapter. The limitation of this research and implication on futher research can be used as reference by further researchers. Pada penelitian terdahulu telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai atribut kualitas produk yang dapat mempengaruhi persepsi kualitas, atribut-atribut tersebut adalah meliputi performance, feature dan durability. Pada penelitian ini telah dikembangkan variabel dimensi kualitas dengan melihat research gap yang ada di lapangan, atribut kualitas diukur setelah dilakukan modifikasi pada hand tractor. Modifikasi dimaksUdkan untuk mengoptimalkan fungsi produk , hal ini disebabkan hand tractor diproduksi dalam bentuk standar yang apabila tidak dilakukan modifikasi produk tidak dapat berfungsi dengan optimal. Variabel-variabel kualitas produk dan kualitas layanan setelah modifikasi mempunyai pengaruh pall pada kinerja pemasaran jasa. Berdasarkan latar belakang penelitian, make research gap dikembangkan menjadi pertanyaan penelitian, yaitu : Apekah modifikasi kualitas produk yang dilakukan berpengaruh terhadap kinerja pemasaran jasa? ; Bagaimana kinerja pemasaran jasa dapat dijelaskan melalui faktor-faldor modifikasi kualitas produk dan kualitas layanan jasa hand tractor ? ; dan Bagaimana pengaruh modifikasi kualitas produk pada kualitas layanan? Didalam menjawab pertanyaan penelitian tersebut, make dikembangkan model penelitian yang terdiri dad tiga konstruk dengan tiga hipotesis yang akan diuji. Penelitian dilakukan pada para manajer sekaligus pemilik atau pengelola pelayanan jasa hand tractor minimal sudah beroperasi satu musim sejumlah 100 responden di "Wilayah Semarang". Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat analisis Structural Equation Model (SEM) melalui program AMOS. Hasil komputasi untuk tes signifikansi model dilakukan dengan menguji goodness -of- fit, yaitu meliputi GFI (Goodness of Fit Index), AGFI (Adjusted Goodness-of-Fit), RMSEA (The Root Square Error of Approximation), CMINIDF (The Minimum Sample Discrepancy Function dibagi dengan Degree of Fredom), CFI (Comparative Fit Index) , TLI (Tucker Lewis Index) dan C.R. (Critical Ratio). Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa semua hipotesis dapat dibuktikan. Oleh karena itu dapat disimpulkan bahwa modifikasi kualitas produk mempunyai pengaruh positif pada kinerja pemasaran jasa; kualitas layanan yang diberikan mempunyal pengaruh positif pada kinerja pemasaran jasa ; dan modifikasi kualitas produk mempunyal pengaruh positif pada kualitas layanan. Hasil dad penelitian juga mempunyai implikasi teoritis dan implikasi manajerial yang dijelaskan pada bab kesimpulan. Keterbatasan penelitian dan agenda penelitian mendatang dapat dijadikan sebagal acuan untuk pare peneliti berikutnya.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HV Social pathology. Social and public welfare |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Management |
ID Code: | 9734 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 2 |
Deposited On: | 29 Apr 2010 16:07 |
Last Modified: | 29 Apr 2010 16:07 |
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