TUNDAN S. W., ANGELIYA (2000) EVALUASI KUALITAS PELAYANAN JASA RAWAT INAP RSK NGESTI WALUYO. Masters thesis, program Pascasarjana Universitas Diponegoro.
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A Hospital is an integral part of all systems of Healthcare. As a private hospital, Ngesti Wafuyo Hospital should be able to develope its own healthcare system through the upgradng of its managemen system.Ngesti Waluyo Hospital was dedicated on September 1, 1955 under YAKKUM istitution. This hospital is the private hospital type C with residency working area covers Residency Kedu and its environs. The nursing house of hospital has been fasiktated into five room classes with 225 beds. The former research conducted over the achievement of management in the nursing house indicators that the healthcare management system is still under standart of indicators established by heath departement. So that the latter research is carried out. It is to find out the patients estimation/opinion abaut the quality of healthcare they got. The patiens which're sent to the hospital for in patient treatment. It's done because the patients are directy related to BOR, as one of the indicators of the hospital management. The research is conducted during October - Desember 1999. The method of collection primer data in this rearch is using survey method taken from all nursing classes. The population consists of 5688 pahents in 1998 and the sample is 373 patients taken from it. The seconder data is found from medical data, in the Health Departement and literatures with're relevan. Responden identification shower that almost the patients are graduation from senior Night school, workers with high salary, farmers, 31 - 45 years old people, financially supported by himself or by his family. The majority of the respondens choose the hospital with the reasons that it gives a better service and they are treated in the red room. Theyare ready live in the same distance in and out Temanggung Residency. From 330 respondents have been observed, 119 respondent are old patients who had ever treated before. Using -differentition test (uji beda). tt can be achieved the result of old and new patients who are not from one population. In this case, it can be used on analysis data as many as twice both in the old petients and the new ones. Questionnaire of treatment frequency over the treatment variable indicates that the new patients tend to say that all variable are ranging from satisfying, beyond the price variable and the variable of medical supporting facility estimated as unsatisfying. However the old patients estimate that all variable are ranging from satisfying to satisfying enough. Based on asymmetry test it shower that old patients estimate that all of the variables are good exception for the price variable, that is said good enough. While the new patients say that the treatment variable is good, except the new medical supporting facility variable, price variable and medical treatment variable. The Z-test of both old patient and the new ones indicated a different result of the old patients, negative indicators appears in Z4est with expectation on the average 3,00 in the price variable, the variable of medical supporting facility sub variable of easily getting facility and the variable of medical treatment sub variable of getting treatment. While of the new patients negative indicator appears in the Z4est with expetation on average 2,50 in the price variable sub variable of room cost and sub variable of total cost, the variable of medical treatment sub variable of fast treatment and sub variable the result of getting treatment. The result of this research may be used a hospital management as a marketing planning program and, or the improvement of treatment quality an the in nursing house unit that needs a different policy for each nursing aspect. Rumah Sakit merupakan bagian yang integral dari keseluruhan sistem pelayanan kesehatan RSK Ngesti Waluyo sebagai rumah sakit swasta harus dapat mengembangkan sistem pelayanan kesehatan yang dimiliki melalui peningkatan kinerjanya. RSK diresmikan tanggal 1 September 1955 dibawah Yayasan Kesehatan Kristen Untuk Masyarakat (YAKKUM). Rumah sakit ini merupakan rumah sakit swasta tipe C dengan wilayah kerja Karisidenan Kedu dan sekitamya. RSK memiliki fasittas 5 kelas ruang pelayanan dengan jumlah tempat tidur 225 tempat tidur. Penelitian awal yang dilakukan terhadap penampilan kinerja unit jasa rawat Map RSK masih dibawah indikator baku yang ditetapkan oleh Depkes. Oleh karena itu penelitian lebih lanjut dilakukan untuk mengetanui penilaian pasien unit jasa rawat Map tentang kualitas pelayanan yang diterima di RSK. Penelitian dilakukan dalam bulan Oktober - Desember 1999, pengambilan data primer diperoleh dengan metode sampling pada semua kelas perawatan dengan mengambil sampel 373 pasien dari populasi 5688 pasien pada tahun 1998. Data sekunder diperoleh dad bagian rekam medis, Dinas Kesehatan dan literatur yang relevan. Identifikasi responden menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas pasien berpendidikan SLTA, berpenghasilan menengah ke atas, bermata- pencaharian petani, berusia 31 - 45 tahun dengan biaya perawatan dibayar sendiri/kelaurga. Mayoritas responden memilih RSK karena pelayanannya lebih balk dari rumah sakit lain di wilayah Kedu, di rawat di ruang Merah. Sedangkan tempat tinggal responden berimbang antara tinggal di Kabupaten Temanggung dan di luar Kabupaten Temanggung. 330 responden yang diteliti, 119 responden merupakan pasien lama (pernah dirawat di RSK sebelumnya) melalui uji beda didapat hasil pasien lama dan baru bukan satu populasi, maka anaUsa dilakukan 2 kali. Sebaran frekuensi pelayanan terhadap variabel pelayanan menunjukkan : Pasien baru menilai semua variabel dinilai memuaskan sampai cukup memuaskan, kecuali varaiabel fasilitas penunjang medis, dan variabel harga yang dinilai tidak memuaskan. Sedangkan menurut pasien lama semua variabel dinilai memuaskan sampai cukup memuaskan. Berdasarkan uji kesenjangan menunjukkan pasien lama menilai semua variabel balk, kecuali variabel harga yang dinifai cukup. Sedangkan pasien baru menilai semua variabel pelayanan balk, kecuai variabel fasiGtas penunjang umum, variabel harga dan variabel pelayanan medis yang dinilai cukup. Uji Z pada pasien lama dan baru menghasilkan hash! yang berbeda. Pada pasien lama indikator negatif muncul pada uji Z dengan rerata harapan 3,00 pada variabel harga, sub variabel kemudahan memperoleh fasilitas penunjang medis dan sub variabel pengobatan yang diterima pasien. Sedangkan pada pasien baru indikator negatif muncul pada uji Z dengan rerata harapan 2,5 pada sub variabel tarif kamar, sub variabel keseluruhan harga yang dibayar, sub variabel kecepatan penyembuhan dan sub variabel hasil pelayanan yang diterima. Hasil penefitian ini dapat digunakan oelh pihak manajemen sebagai dasar perencanaan program pemasaran dan atau perbaikan kualitas pelayanan di unit jasa rawat Map RSK yang membutuhkan kebijakan yang berbeda pada masing-masing aspek dalam unit jasa rawat Map.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HV Social pathology. Social and public welfare |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Management |
ID Code: | 9718 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 2 |
Deposited On: | 29 Apr 2010 14:28 |
Last Modified: | 29 Apr 2010 14:28 |
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