Prestianto, Bayu (2002) ANALISIS PENGENDALIAN KUALITAS PADA PT.SEMARANG MAKMUR SEMARANG. Masters thesis, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Diponegoro.

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Mutu adalah salah satu masalah yang digambarkan dengan lambang-lambang kecant kemewahan Semua itu menjadikan mutu m dimengerti dan ditangani. Mutu mungkin merup memastikan adanya kesetiaan pelanggan. Mutu serangan pesaing dan jalan untuk memantapk Persaingan didalam mutu bukan hanya ingin ideal, tetapi juga akan menciptakan citra produ akhirnya menjamin kelangsungan hidup perus adalah manufaktur yang memproduksi baja lemb masalah yang ditemukan adalah sebagai berikut: dan panjang BjLS, kerusakan rata-rata BjLS pe kualitas antar kelompok kerja (shift), belum ad kemapuan proses line I dan II dan belum dike yang sebenamya. Tujuan dari tesis ini adalah pertama, me (line I dan II) terhadap ketebalan dan p PT.Semarang Makmur; kedua, menganalisis pe ketebalan dan panjang BjLS di bagian produk tujuan tersebut dianalisis dengan anova (analsis kemampuan proses produksi PT.Semarang M Variabel dan Atribut dan keempat, menganali panjang, menganalisis tingkat kerusakan prod akibat (cause and effect diagram). Dengan langkah-langkah di atas ditemu produksi terhadap ketebalan dan panjang Bj ketebalan dan panjang BjLS di kedua line produ terhadap ketebalan dan panjang BjLS. Kem Atribut ditemukan bahwa proses produksi pad berdasarkan ketebalan dan panjang adalah memproduksi produk yang tidak sesuai dengan line II dalam menghasilkan BjLS berdasarkan proses sedang memproduksi produk yang sedangkan proses produksi pada line II mengh adalah tidak capable dan proses sedang mem dengan spesifikasi. Dan penelusuran masala ditemukan masalah-masalah yang mungkin Masalah tersebut dibagi rnenjadi lima bagia pertama, Metode Kerja yang terdiri dari perga (Nam SOP; kedua, Mesin yang terdiri dari psetting error; ketiga, Lingkungan kerja yang terdiri dari polusi suara (bising), suhu ruangan, penerangan, polusi udara; keempat, Bahan balm yang terdiri dari pemasok, material handling, gudang bahan; kelima, Karyawan yang terdiri dari kekompakan, disiplin kurang, ketrampilan dan kelelahan. Dan penelusuran masalah dengan diagram sebab-akibat di atas kemudian dengan diagram pohon dapat diperoleh solusi yang terdapat di dalam implikasi manajerialQuality is one of the problems which is often incorrect to be understood. Quality is illustrated as symbol of beauty, goodness, expensiveness and luxury. Those all make quality becoming difficult thing to be understood and handled. Perhaps, quality is the best manner to determine the costumer's loyalty. Quality is also as defense tool from the competitor attack and as away to place in solid development and profit. The quality competition is not only to desire the ideal profitability, but also creates the product and the company image and finally it guarantees the company sustainability. PT.Semarang Makmur manufacture which produces galvanized iron sheet (GIS). Some problems that have been found as follows: there are thickness and length variation, the average product damage is about 1,2 % per month, there is quality of gap between shifts, there is no accurate information about process capability in line I and II and it has not known the cause of the real product. The purpose of this thesis are: the first, to analyze the influence of line manufacturing (line I and II) of the thickness and the length of GIS at the department of production PT. Semarang Makmur The second, to analyze the influence of production time of the thickness and the length of GIS at the department of production PT.Semarang Makmur; the both of analyzed purposes with anova (analyze of variance); the third, to analyze the process capability of production PT.Semarang Makmur with analyzing tools such as SPC Variable and Atribute. And the fourth, to analyze the variance of the thickness and the length those are to analyze the degree of the product damage of GIS with cause and effect diagram. With the above steps, the line influence of production the thickness and the length of GIS are not found, there is shift influence of the thickness and the length of GIS at both lines of production, there is time influence of the thickness and the length of GIS. Then with SPC Variable and attribute is found that the production process on line I in producing GIS based on the thickness and the length is capable but the process of the product is being produced that is not accordance with specification; the production process on line II in producing GIS based on the thickness is capable but the process of the product is being produced that is not accordance with specification; while the production process on line II process GIS based on the length is not capable and the process of the product is being produced that is not accordance with specification. From the problems investigation with caused and effect diagram, the problems are found that may cause output variation. The mentioned problems are divided into five main part those are: the first, the work method that consist of turn over shift, evening shift, the error of SOP; the second, the machinery consist of machine maintenance, machine damage, setting error, the third, the work environment consist of voice pollution, room temperature, lighting, air pollution; the fourth, the raw materials consist of supplier, material handling, the raw materials go down; the fifth, the employees consist of solidarity, less discipline, skill, and tiredness. From the problem investigation with caused and effect diagram above and then with the tree diagram can be achieved the solution that is found in the managerial implication.

Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Subjects:H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD28 Management. Industrial Management
Divisions:School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Management
ID Code:9557
Deposited By:Mr UPT Perpus 1
Deposited On:28 Apr 2010 20:29
Last Modified:28 Apr 2010 20:29

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