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ABSTRACTION At research of " Customer behavior and attitude analyst decision upon the buying Honda Astrea Motorcycle in Kota Madia Semarang ", It is analized the marketing mix and customer characteristic which could influence the attitude and customers behavior toward the buying Honda Astrea Supra Motorcycle . This research is attempting to analize the attitude and customers behavior differential on the atributes exists at Astrea Supra type fiewed from customer characteristics ( age, position, earning, education ) , as well as to analize the affect of product variable, price , facilities nets, and promotion to customers decision in getting Astrea Supra type. Sample used in this research are 100 respondent who domicile in Kodia Semarang and have been filled questionaries distributed. Chi Square and multiple regression are used to analize data The result of this research, firstly, in term of buying Astrea Supra type in Kodia Semarang , the aspect of customers characteristic focused on by researcher are age, position, education and earning . secondly, it is found from chi square analysis that there is not any attitude and customers behavior differential toward the atributes exist on Astrea Supra type in term of the four customers characteristic : age, position, earning, and education. thirdly, the biggest regretion coefficient are Product, Longlive Machine; Second Hand Sales Price, Service, Exhibition Attribute. Fourtly, Make decision process influenced by numeric variable that begin from the dominant, product ( ), facilities nets ( X3 ), price (Xs ), promotion ( X4 ). According to the conclusion and result analysis above, the writer would like to suggest in maintening the marketing activities P.T. Astra International Sales Operation need to concidare and improve the attribute which is effect the marketing strategy,like :longlive • machine, second hand sales price, service, concistency in exhibition , improve quality control, price policy , improve customer service, customer perceived value, competitor differentiation. Because this product gives the strongest effect so the quality of the product shoulded improve without in ignoring the others variable. ABSTRAKSI Dalam penelitian dengan judul "Analisis Perilaku Konsumen terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Sepeda Motor Honda Astrea Supra Di Kota Madia Semarang", dianalisis tentang karakteristik konsumen dan marketing mix yang dapat mempengaruhi perilaku konsumen terbadap pembelian sepeda motor Honda Astrea Supra Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perbedaan sikap dan perilaku konsumen terhadap atribut—atribut yang ada pada tipe Astrea Supra ditinjau dad _kankteristik konsumen usia, pekerjaan, penghasilan, pendidikan dan untuk menganalisis pengaruh dari variabel produk ( Xi), harga ( X2), fasilitas jaringan ( X3), promosi (314), terhadap keputusan ( Y) konsumen untuk memilih tipe Astrea Supra. Jumlah sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ink adnlah sebanyak 100 orang responden yang berdomisili di Kota Madia Semarang dan yang telah mengisi daftar pertanyaan yang dibagikan. Mat yang digunakan untuk menganalisis data-data menggunakan Chi Square ( Kai Kuadrat ) dan Regresi Berganda. Hasil penelitian menghasilkan, Pertama Karakteristik konsumen yang diamati peneliti terhadap konsumen Astrea Supra di Kota Madia Semarang adalah usia, pekerjaan , pendidikan dan penghasilan. Kedua, dad alat analisis Chi Square dapat diketahui tidak ada perbedaan sikap dan perilaku konsumen terhadap atribut-atribut •• yang ada path' Astrea Supra ditinjau dad empat karakteristik konsumen. Ketiga,Kembali ( X2.1), Pelayanan ( X3.4 Pameran ( X43 Keempat, Proses pengambilan dipengaruhi oleh variabel unit dari yang dominan yaitu: variabel produk (Xi), fasilitas jarirtgan ( X3 ), harga ( promosi ( X4 ). Berdasarkan hasil analisis dan kesimpulan diatas maka penulis ingin memberikan beberapa saran kepada PT Astra International Sales Operation dalam menjalankan kegiatan pemasaran perlu memperhatikan dan meningkatkan atribut yang berpengaruh sebagai berikut : mesin awet, nilai jual kembali, pelayanan, pameran yang konsisten, meningkatkan quality control , kebijakan harga ( Pricing Policy ), meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan ( Customer Satisfaction ), mempunyai - nilai bagi pelanggan ( Customer Perceived Value ), diferensiasi bersaing ( Competitor Differentiation ). Karelia variabel produk yang berpengaruh paling kuat, maka perlu ditingkatkan kualitas produknya tanpa mengabaikan variabel-variabel lainnya.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HG Finance |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Management |
ID Code: | 9299 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 2 |
Deposited On: | 27 Apr 2010 10:52 |
Last Modified: | 27 Apr 2010 10:52 |
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