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Sebagian besar siswa SDN Gemolong 2, terbiasa jajan di sekolah. Makanan jajanan yang sering dibeli adalah makanan ringan yang kurang memenuhi kecukupan gizi. Padahal pemilihan jenis makanan jajanan yang tepat dapat memberikan dampak yang baik bagi siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui beberapa faktor yang berhubungan dengan pemilihan jenis makanan jajanan di sekolah siswa SDN Gemolong 2 Kecamatan Gemolong Kabupaten Sragen. Jenis penelitian adalah studi kualitatif dengan subjek penelitian siswa kelas V SDN Gemolong 2 sebanyak 11 orang dan sebagaicrosscheckadalah wali kelas, penjual di kantin sekolah dan orang tua dari subjek penelitian. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam(indepth interview)kepada siswa, wali kelas, penjual di kantin sekolah, dan orang tua subjek penelitian serta observasi terhadap kebiasaan jajan siswa. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa siswa SDN Gemolong 2 mempunyai kebiasaan jajan di kantin sekolah pada saat istirahat. Frekuensi jajan dalam tiap istirahat hanya sekali namun makanan jajanan yang dibeli lebih dari satu macam. Jenis makanan jajanan yang sering dibeli subjek adalah makanan ringan. Dengan jumlah uang saku yang dihabiskan untuk jajan berkisar antara Rp. 500,00 sampai Rp. 2000,00. Adapun jenis makanan jajanan yang sering dibeli subjek adalahbiting, coklat'Gery', permen, makaroni,snackkedelai. Diketahui pula bahwa faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan pemilihan jenis makanan jajanan di sekolah yaitu faktor pemudah meliputi pengetahuan gizi dan kesehatan, kebiasaan sarapan dan pemilihan jenis makanan berdasarkan empat nilai (rasa, status sosial, kesehatan, harga). Nilai yang paling berpengaruh dalam pemilihan jenis makanan jajanan di sekolah adalah interaksi antara nilai rasa dan harga yaitu dalam pemilihanbitingserta interaksi antara nilai rasa dan status sosial yaitu dalam pemilihan coklat'Gery'. Faktor pemungkin meliputi uang saku, makanan jajanan di kantin sekolah dan iklan di televisi. Faktor penguat meliputi orang tua, teman sekolah dan wali kelas. Saran yang dikemukakan : perlu dijual atau dibuat jenis makanan jajanan yang mengandung zat gizi dengan rasa yang disukai siswa dan harga yang murah di kantin sekolah, penyuluhan bagi siswa mengenai makanan jajanan yang sehat melalui UKS agar siswa mampu memilih makanan yang tepat, perlu peningkatan kesadaran dan motivasi bagi orang tua agar lebih memperhatikan dan mengontrol anak dalam hal kebiasaan jajan. Kata Kunci: Pemilihan, makanan jajanan, kebiasaan jajan, sekolah dasar. FACTORS RELATED TO THE SELECTION OF KINDS OF STREET FOOD AT SCHOOL STUDY TO STUDENTS OF SDN GEMOLONG 2 SUBDISTRICT OF GEMOLONG DISTRICT OF SRAGEN IN 2006 Most student of SDN Gemolong 2, accustomed to eat snacks at school. Street food which usually bought were snacks which do not have enough nutrition. Whereas the right selection kinds of street food could give good effects for the students. The purpose of this study is to know some factors related to the selection of kinds of street food at school student of SDN Gemolong 2, Subdistrict of Gemolong, District of Sragen. The research is qualitative. The subjects were 11 students of 5th grade of SDN Gemolong 2 and as crosscheck were the teacher of 5th grade, the seller of the canteen and the parents of the subjects. Collecting data conducted with indepth interview to the students, the teacher of 5th grade, the seller of the canteen, and the parents of the subjects also did observation to the subject's eat snack habits. The results of the study showed that the students of SDN Gemolong 2 had habits to eat snacks at canteen in rest time. They ate snacks only once in every rest time but they bought more than one kinds of street food. The street food which often bought were snacks like chocholate, candy, biting, makroni, and snack kedelai. They spent Rp. 500,00 to Rp. 2000,00 to bought snacks. The factors that related to the selection of kinds of street food at school were enabling factors like nutrition and health knowledge, breakfast habits, and selection of kinds of food based to four of values (taste, social status, health, price). Taste and price were the dominant values in the selection of biting. Taste and social status were the dominant values in the selection of coklat'Gery'. Predisposing factors were pocket money, the street food in the canteen and the advertisements in the television, reinforcing factors were parents, friends, and the teacher of 5th grade. The suggestions : diversify kinds of street food in the canteen especially street food which full of nutrition, delicious and cheep, information to the students about health street food and how to choose it through the UKS, improving awarness and motivation of the parents to control their children's eat snack habits.
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > RA Public aspects of medicine > RA0421 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive Medicine |
Divisions: | Faculty of Public Health > Department of Public Health |
ID Code: | 9154 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 23 Apr 2010 10:10 |
Last Modified: | 23 Apr 2010 10:10 |
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