Priyanto, Widayat Joko (2006) Analisis Pengaruh Kesehatan Dan Efisiensi Bank Hasil Merger Terhadap Daya Saing : Studi Kasus PT. Bank Permata Tbk. Masters thesis, Magister Manajemen.
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ABSTRACT Indonesia banking problems nowadays are: the lowness of human resource quality, the strict competition caused by the amount of bank which is increasing caused the bank is on a narrow margin, inequitable spreading geographically, the lowness of assets quantity and assets quality, less prudential, the lowness of financial capital structure, un-autonomous system in making credits decision. Merger possibilities between banks and finding ways for small banks in facing regulations pressure and competition which is stricter are the topics of banking discussion in Indonesia right now. Next trend of banking industry is consolidation through M&A to behave about the internal bank condition and global environment alteration. Merger is one of the choices to keep the bank competitive ability. The purpose of merger is not only to fulfill minimum determination of financial capital of the bank which is determined by BI (Bank of Indonesia), but also to create powerful financial capital of a bank, to create healthy finances condition, and to create bank with high competitiveness in order to running out intermediation function. Hypothesis that has been determined are HI: the healthy condition of bank after merger gives positive impact to the competitiveness; H2: the efficiency of bank after merger gives positive impact to the competitiveness. Study cases in PermataBank (d/h Bank Bali) which is now 3 years after merger. Primary data collection using library study from several published sources. Processing the secondary data using double regression's analysis partially and simultaneously which classical assumption trial has been done to the data using SPSS 10 computer program. Classical assumption trial before double regression produces: 1). Normality of the data is fulfilled, probability normal graphic of plot and histogram show the spread data is on around the diagonal lines and normally distributed, statistic of Kolmogorov-Smirnov trial shows the Sig = 0,960 is upper cut of value 0,5. 2). There is no multi-co linearity, determination coefficient (R square) = 61.7% relatively lower, the value of Variance Inflation Factor (VIP) each variable is under 10 (cut off) that is 1.005 and tolerance value each variable is upper 0.69 which is still under 0.90 (cut off). 3). There is no hetero ca-dexterity, scatter graphic of plot shows un-spread evenly dots and there is no pattern, glejser trial shows that the value of Sign each independent variable is 7.9% and 8.8% which is not give significant influence. 4). There is no autocorrelation, d (Dublin-Watson) value = 1.721 which is located between du = 1.252 and (4-du) = 2.748. Hypothesis trial shows that HI and H2 fulfill the criteria which each signification of regression coefficient is less than 0.05 that is 0.006 and 0.005. Each regression coefficients is positive that is bi = 0.567 and b2 =1).584. The result of this research proves that the Health and Efficiencies of a Bank after Having Merger (PermataBank d/h Bank Bali) gives positive effect for competitiveness. ABSTRAK Masalah perbankan Indonesia saat ini yaitu : kualitas SDM yang masih rendah, persaingan ketat karena banyaknya jumlah bank sehingga margin keuntungan rendah, penyebaran tidak merata secara geografis, kuantitas dan kualitas aset yang rendah, cenderung kurang berhati hati (Less Prudential), struktur modal yang lemah, sistem pengambilan keputusan kredit yang tidak mandiri. Kemungkinan merger antar bank serta bagaimana penyelesaian bagi bank-bank kecil dalam menghadapi tekanan regulasi dan kompetisi yang semakin ketat masih menjadi diskusi yang berkembang di dunia perbankan Indonesia. Tren ke depan Industri Perbankan adalah konsolidasi melalui M&A untuk mensikapi kondisi intern bank dan perubahan lingkungan global. Merger merupakan salah satu pilihan untuk menjaga daya saing bank. Merger bank selain bertujuan untuk memenuhi ketentuan minimum kecukupan modal bank yang ditetapkan BI, juga untuk menciptakan suatu bank dengan permodalan yang kuat, kondisi keuangan yang sehat, dan berdaya saing tinggi dalam menjalankan fungsi intermediasi. Hipotesis yang diajukan adalah HI : Kesehatan Bank Hasil Merger berpengaruh positif terhadap Daya Saing ; H2 : Efisiensi Bank Hasil Merger berpengaruh positif terhadap Daya Saing. Studi kasus di Bank Permata (d/h Bank Bali) yang saat ini pada masa 3 tahun pasta merger. Pengumpulan data sekunder dengan cara studi pustaka dari berbagai sumber terpublikasi. Pengolahan data sekunder menggunakan alat analisis regresi berganda secara parsial dan simultan yang sebeluinnya dilakukan uji asumsi klasik terhadap data, dengan bantuan program komputer SPSS 10. Uji asumsi klasik sebelum analisis regresi berganda menghasilkan : 1) normalitas data terpenuhi, grafik normal probability plot dan histogram menunjukkan sebaran data berada di sekitar garis diagonal dan terdistribusi normal, statistik uji Kolmogorov-Smirnov nilai Sig. = 0,960 berada di atas cut of value 0,5. 2) tidak terjadi multikolinearitas, koefisien determinasi (R square) = 61,7% relatif rendah, nilai Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) tiap variabel berada di bawah 10 (cut off) yaitu 1,005 dan nilai tolerance tiap variabel di atas 10% (cut off) yaitu 99,5%, koefisien korelasi antar variabel independen yaitu 0,69 masih berada di bawah 0,90 (cut off). 3) tidak terjadi heterokedastisitas, grafik sccater plot menunjukkan noktah-noktah terpencar tidak merata dan tidak berpola, uji glejser menunjukkan nilai Sign tiap variabel independen yaitu 7,9% dan 8,8% yang berarti tidak berpengaruh signifikan. 4) tidak ada autokorelasi, nilai d (Dubin-Watson) =1,721 terletak diantara do = 1,252 dan (4-do) = 2,748. Pengujian hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa HI dan H2 memenuhi kriteria dengan masing-masing signifikansi koefisien regresi kurang dari 0,05 yaitu 0,006 dan 0,005. Masing-masing koefisien regresi bernilai positif yaitu bi = 0,567 dan b2 = 0,584. Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa Kesehatan dan Efisiensi Bank Hasil Merger (Bank Permata d/h Bank Bali) berpengaruh positif terhadap Daya Saing.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD28 Management. Industrial Management |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Management |
ID Code: | 8874 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 1 |
Deposited On: | 21 Apr 2010 10:58 |
Last Modified: | 21 Apr 2010 10:58 |
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