Setiawan, Iwan (2000) Analisis Nilai Motivasi Dan Kepuasan Karyawan Terhadap Minat Peningkatan Kinerja Karyawan Bagian Produksi Pada PT. Panca Wira Mustika. Masters thesis, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Diponegoro.
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Setiap organisasi beroperasi dengan mengkombinasikan sumber dayanya melalui cant yang dapat mengkasilkan produk dan jasa yang dapat dipasarkan. PT. Panca Wira Mustika merupakan aalah satu diantara banyak perusahaan yang nwngelola svmberdaya mamisia. Penisahaan ml bergerak dibidang kayn olahan dengan sistim produksi laminating dan fingger joint. Dalam perjalananya terdapat berbagal kendala yang sering dihadapi. Kendala tersebut terutama path bagian operasional yaitu tuntutan akan perbaikan, sering absen, terlambat masuk kerja, bekerja seminimal mungkin, tidak disiplin, tingkat kesalahan dan pekeijaan sening tenjadi dam keluarnya karyawan dan pcrusahaan. Datupak negatif bagi penisahaan dalam bentuk tidak terpenuhinya jadwal kerja yang telah direncanakan sehingga mengganggu proses produksi, tidak termanfhatkannya sumber daya secara makeimal dan meningkatnya biaya secara keselunihan Penelitian liii dilakukan untuk menganalisis pengaruh nilai motivasi dan kepuasan karya.wan terhadap minat peningkatan ketja karyawan pada bagian produksi, membahas dan menganalisis vriabal-vaiabel yang sangat beipenganib terhadap ininat karyawan dalam meniugkatkan kinerjanya. Variabel-variabel yang diteliti dan nilai motivasi yaitu ; variasi ke&ilan, identitas tugas, kepentingan tugas, otonomi dan umpan balik. Kepuasan keija karyawan terdii-i dan; tantangan kerja, imbalan dan penghargaan, kondisi kerja, rekan kerja dan kesesual kenja dengan kepnibadian. Penelitian juga mengidentifikasi parilaku aktuai dan karyawan selama bvkerja pada penisabaan ditinjau dan motivasi yang teläh dibenikan dan kepuasan kerjanya.Penggabungan dan vaniabel tersebut didasani oleh teed Fisben dan Ajzin dalam Behavior Relation Model yaitu tentang penilaku dipengaruhi oleh sikap normatif subyektif melalui pengaruh terhadap minat Penelitian dilakukan dengan junikih sairipel sebanyak 130 responden dengan pengambilan sanipel menggunakan metode random sample. Dengan menggunakan analisis regresi didapat variabel-vaniabel yang berpengaruk terhadap vaniabe) yang diamati dan dengan menggunakan analisis hualitatifdapat mengidentifikasi penilaku dan masing-masing vaniabel yang diamati. Hasih Analisis Regresi dan kualitatif yang telafi dilakukan, dihasilkan minat karyawan untuk meningkatkan kinerjanya dipenganihi oleh identitas tugas, kepentingan tugas, otonomi, tantangan kerj kondisi kerja dan kesesuaian kerja deagan kopribadian. Vaniabel vaniasi ketrampilan, umpan balil imbalan penghargaan dan rekan bekerja tidak signifikan terhadap minat karyawan dalam nieningkatkan kinerjanya. Dan basil penelitian perilaku karyawan didapatkan hasil yang sangat utama dad karyawan tardorong untuk bekerja pada penisahaan yaitu kesesusian kerja dengan kepribadian. Dan hasil analisis tersebut path masing-masing vaniabel dijadikan pertiznbangan dalaxn menentukan strategi dalam meningkatkan sumber daya manusia di perusahaan dengan memanfaatkan kesesuaian kerja kasyawan abs pekerjaannya path perusahaan dan memotivasi karyawan dengan pembenian identitas tugas yang jelas, kepentingan tugas, otonomi,tantangan kerja, seth kondisi kerja yang balk untuk meningkatkan minat kinerja karyawan. 111 ABSTRACTION Every organization operates by combining its resources with some procedures to produce goods and services which are marketable. PT Panca Win Mustika is one of many companies that manage human resource. The company runs its business in the field of wood processing, using the system of lamination and finger joint There are problem that sometime happened Most of the them is mainly within the operational section, such as the employee’s need of betterment, absences, punctuality, work insufficiently, discipline, mistakes, and employee turn over. These problems influence the company in undergoing the work schedule that has been planed. Therefiwe, they disturb the production process; waste resources from optimally used, and increase the cost aggregately. The research is conducted to analys the impact of motivation value and employee sastithetion and to employees need of job bettermant in production departement The variables of the motivation value which are examined; variation of skills, job identities, job importance, autonomy, and feed back. The variable of employee’s work satisfaction are; work challenges, reward and punishment, working condition, work partners, and work appropriateness with their personality. The reseach also identIfied the actual behavior of the employee during the joint the company according to motivations had been given and works satisfactions rate. The combination of the variables is based on the theory of Fisben and Ajzin in Behavior Relation Model, which noted that act, is affected by normative subjective behavior by the influence of interest The sample research was undertaken to 130 responden& The sampling method that was used was random sample method By using the regression analysis, figured the variables those influence the examined variable. Meanwhile, by using qualitative analysis, identified the behavior of each eKamined variable. The conclusions of the regression analyeis and qualitative analysis had been done are that employee’s interest to improve their performance is aflbcted by job identities, job importance, autonomy, work challenges, working condition, and work appropriateness whit their personality. The variables of variation of skills, feed back, reward and punishment, and work partners donot significantly effect the employee’s interest in improve their performance. Meanwhile, the research of the employee’s behaviors discovered a coclusion that the main reason of employees to joint the company is the work appropriatteness with their personality. The conclusion of the analysis to each variable can be used as a consideration in determines the strategy to improve human resource whithin the company Those are by using the work appropriateness whit employee’s personality in the company and by motivating them by giving a clear certain job importance, autonomy, work challenges, and good working conditions in order to improve the performance of the employees
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD28 Management. Industrial Management |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Management |
ID Code: | 8757 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 2 |
Deposited On: | 20 Apr 2010 11:33 |
Last Modified: | 20 Apr 2010 11:33 |
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