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Diare merupakan salah satu penyakit yang berbasis lingkungan.Dua faktor yang dominan yaitu penyediaan air bersih dan sarana pembuangan tinja. Kedua faktor ini akan berinteraksi bersama dengan perilaku manusia. Apabila lingkungan tidak sehat karena tercemar kiman penyebab diaren serta berinteraksi denganperilaku manusia yang tidak yang sehat melalui makanan dan meminum dapat menimbulkan kejadian diare. Dengan demikian air bersih dan jamban keluarga dianggap sebagai prediktor terjadi penyakit diare. Sehingga perhatian dan penanganan penyakitbdiare perlu juga diarahkan terhadap sarana-sarana tersebu. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara cakupan saranan air bersih dan cakupan jamban keluarga dengan kejadian diare di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Surisina. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukanexplanatory researchdengan pendekatan cross sectional, dengan variabel independen cakupan sarana air bersih dan cakupan jamban keluarga dan variabel dependen kejadaian diare. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah masyarakat desa di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Surisina Kecamatan Bajawa Kabupaten Ngada sejumlah 12 desa Sampel adalah total populasi masyarakat yang ada di wilayah kerja Puskesmasa Surisina Kecamatan Bajawa Kabupaten Ngada sejumlah 12 desa. Data hasil penelitian ini dianalisis dengan analisis univariat dan bivariat menggunakan korelasi koralasi Pearson ProductMoment. Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa cakupan sarana air bersih perpipaan sebesar 45,47%, cakupan sarana air bersih non perpipaan sebesar 38 %, cakupansarana air bersih perpipaan dan non perpipaan 79,31 %, cakupan jamban keluarga 58,354 %.Tidak ada hubungan antara cakupan air bersihnperpipaan dengan kejadian diare (p=0,087 dan nilai r -0,515). Ada hubungan antara cakupan air bersih non perpipaan dengan kejadian diare (p=0.011 dan nilai r -0.72). Ada hubungan antara cakupan air bersih perpipaan dan non perpipaan dengan kejadian diare (p= 0,004 dan nilai r-0758). Ada hubungan antara cakupan jamban keluarga dengan kejadian diare (p=0,005 dan nilai r -0.748).saran penelitian ini terutama ditujukan bagi masyarakat agar meningkatkan pemeliharaan sarana air bersih terutama sarana non perpipaan sehinga dapat mengurangi cemaran bakteriologis. Memelihara sumber air yang dikelalo oleh masyarakat supaya terjaga kontinuittasnya/debit airnya. Meningkatkan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat, terutama dalam penggunakan, dan pemanfaatan air bersih dan jamban keluarga. Kata Kunci: Air bersih, jamban keluarga, diare BETWEEN CLEAN WATER AND FAMILY LATRINE COVERAGE WITH THE DIARRHOEA OCCURENCE (STUDY CROSS SECTIONAL IN REGION WORK THE PUSKESMAS SURISINA,SUBDISTRICT OF BAJAWA,REGENCY OF NGADA,2003) Diarrhoea is one of disease basedon environment. Two dominant factor that is ready of clean water and medium of faeces disposal. Second of this factor are interaction will along with human being behavior. lf indisposed environment because impure of germ of dirrhoea cause and also have interaction to beharviorally is indisporsed human being through food and beverage can generate the diarrhoea occurrence. Thereby clean water and family latrine cosnsidered tobe by predictor of the happening of diarrhoea disease. So the attention and handling of diarrhoea disease need is also instructed to this medium2.2 The research target is to common target from this research is to know the relation between clean water meduum coverage and coverage of family latrine with the diarrhoea occurrence in region work the Puskesmas Surisina. Research type was by explanatory research eith the approach of cross sectional, with the independent variable of clean watre medium coverage and coverage of family latrine and variable dependen with the diarrhoea occurrence. Population in this research was countryside society in region work the Puskesmas Surisina, Subdistrict of Bajawa, Regency Ngada of a number of 12 countryside. Data result theis research was aalyzed by analysis of univariat and bivariate use the corerelation of Pearson Product Moment. Result of research showed that by the clean water medium coverage of pipe is equal o 45,47 %, clean water medium coverage was non pipe of equal to 38 %, clean water medium coverage was pipe and non pipe 79,31 %, coverage of family atrine 58,354 %. There were no relation between clean water coverage was pipe with the dirrehoa occurrence (p=0,087). There was a relation between clean water coverage oc non pipe with the diarrehoea occurrence (p=0.011 and assess the r-0.702). There is relation between clean water coverage is pipe and non pipe with the diarrhoa occurrence (p=0,004) and assess the r-0,758). There is relation between coverge of family latrine eith the diarrhoea occurrence (p=0,005 and assess the r-0.748). The research suggestion is especially addressed for Society of to be improving clean water medium bacteriologic soiled. Lookong after water source managed by socieety is so that awaked by cotinuity pr debit water. Improving healthy and clean life behavior, especially in use and clean water exploiting and family latrine. Keyword : Clean water coverage, family latrine coverage, diarrhoea occurrence
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > RA Public aspects of medicine > RA0421 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive Medicine |
Divisions: | Faculty of Public Health > Department of Public Health |
ID Code: | 8311 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 08 Apr 2010 13:31 |
Last Modified: | 08 Apr 2010 13:31 |
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