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Rumah sakit merupakan salah satu institusi pelayanan umum yang memiliki kompleksitas yang cukup tinggi, baik dari segi ketenagaan, pelayanan, peralatan dan lain-lain. Di rumah sakit juga ada banyak sumber-sumber bahaya seperti bahaya radiasi, kontaminasi zat berbahaya dan beracun, selain itu juga penyakit akibat kerja dan kecelakaa kerja. Hal ini jika tidak diantisipasi dengan baik dan dikelola secara profesional dengan memperhatikan norma-norma keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja akan menyebabkan timbulnya masalah yang berakibat pada kerugian baik kerugian material maupun non material di pihak rumah sakit, masyarakat pengguna jasa rumah sakit maupun karyawan yang bekerja di rumah sakit itu sendiri. RSUD dr M Haulussy Ambon belum melaksanakan program K3. Oleh karena itu diperlukan rencana strategis untuk mengetahui kekuatan dan kelamahan dalam rangka penerapan K3 ke depan yang dimulai dari UGD sebagai pintu masuk suatu rumah sakit. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian diskriptif dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional denga subjek penelitian adalah Direktur, kepala Bagian Instalasi Farmasi, staf Instalasi Prasarana, Kepala UGD,staf medis dan paramedis fungsional UGD, kondisi fisik UGD yang meliputi sarana dan prasarana. Data yang dikumpulkan berupa data primer dan data sekunder, kemudian akan diolah menggunakan metode distribusi frekuens. dengan menggunakan analisa lingkungan internal dan eksternal maka hasil yang diperoleh adalah UGD RSUD Haulussy terdapat pada kuadran 4 yakni pada posisi mendukung strategi defensif dimana UGD kedepan harus berusaha meminimalkan kelemahan yang ada serta menghindari ancaman. Pihak manajemen diharapkan dapat melihat hal ini baik dari segi pelayanan, SDM, fisik, peralatan serta kebersihan untuk perbaikan pelayanan kedepan serta persiapan dalam rangka penerapan sistem keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja. Kata Kunci: ANALISIS, UGD, K3Analyse, emergency unit, K3 THE ANALYSE OF APPLYING READINESS SAFETY AND HEALTH OCCUPATION MANAGEMEN IN EMERGENCY UNIT OF Dr M HAULUSSY REGIONAL PUBLIC HOSPITAL AMBON Hospital is one of public service institution owning high complexty, both energy faces, service, equipments and other. At hospital also there are a lot of danger source like danger of radiation, contamination of dangerous and poison subtance, also disease of work effect and accident work. If this matter not anticipated with better and managed by professional paying attention to norm of safety and job health will cause incidence of problem causing at good loss of material non material loss and also in hospital party, user hospital public, and also laboring employees at hospital of hospital dr M Haulussy of Ambon not yet executed the safty and health accopational. Therefore needed by a strstegy plan to know the strength and weakness in order to applying safety and health ocupationalto the fore started from emergency as entrance at hospital. This research represent the research descriptive with the approach of cross sectional with research subject is director, superintendent of pharmacy instalation, staff of instalation insfastructure, lead the ICU, medical staff and functional paramedis of emergency unit, condition of physical emergency unit covering medium and infrastructure. Data collected from the form primary and secondary data, then will be processed to use the method of frequency distribution using internal and eksternal environmental analysis hence result which obtain is emergency unit Haulussy there are at 4 quadrant namely on course support strategic of defensif where emergency unit to the fore have to try the existing weakness minimazation and also avoid the threat. Unrightious of management expected can see this matter is good the than service faces, SDM, physical, equipments and also hygiene for the rapir of services to the fore and also preparation in order to applying of system of safety ang health work. Keyword: Analyse, emergency unit, K3
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > RA Public aspects of medicine > RA0421 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive Medicine |
Divisions: | Faculty of Public Health > Department of Public Health |
ID Code: | 7991 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 01 Apr 2010 09:33 |
Last Modified: | 01 Apr 2010 09:33 |
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