WIDIYANTO, Havid and Hadiyanto, Hadiyanto and Syafrudin, Syafrudin (2019) EVALUASI PENGELOLAAN LIMBAH B3 INDUSTRI MEBEL DI KABUPATEN JEPARA. Masters thesis, School of Postgraduate.
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Industri mebel merupakan industri yang mengolah bahan baku atau bahan setengah jadi dari kayu, rotan, dan bahan baku alami lainnya menjadi produk barang jadi mebel yang mempunyai nilai tambah dan manfaat yang lebih tinggi. Dalam produksinya industri mebel menggunakan bahan penolong yang bersifat B3 sehingga dihasilkan limbah B3. Secara umum limbah B3 industri mebel dihasilkan dari proses persiapan bahan dan finishing, limbah B3 tersebut berupa tinner bekas, sisa top coat, sisa cat, sisa woodstein , sisa pengawet kayu, sisa pemutih kayu serta limbah dari kegiatan pemeliharaan berupa oli bekas. Limbah B3 mebel memiliki sifat mudah menyala dan beracun sehingga harus dikelola dengan baik. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pengelolaan limbah B3 industri mebel di Kabupaten Jepara yang telah dilaksanakan selama ini, apakah sudah sesuai prosedur atau belum. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan metode survei dengan pendekatan analisis deskriptif evaluatif terhadap 38 industri mebel sebagai sampel. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui kuesioner, wawancara, hasil review terhadap dokumen laporan pengelolaan dan pemantauan lingkungan hidup serta observasi lapangan. Indikator yang digunakan untuk mengevaluasi adalah indikator pengelolaan limbah B3 tahap perencanaan dan indikator pengelolaan limbah B3 tahap operasional. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa pengelolaan limbah B3 industri mebel di Kabupaten Jepara tidak efektif. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari rendahnya prosentase perusahaan mebel yang menyusun upaya pengelolaan limbah B3 dalam dokumen lingkungannya yaitu sebesar 11 %, serta rendahnya prosentase perusahaan mebel yang memiliki izin penyimpanan limbah B3 yaitu sebesar 0 %. Aturan dalam penyusunan dokumen lingkungan yang diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kinerja pengelolaan lingkungan ternyata belum berhasil dalam pelaksanaanya, serta aturan pengelolaan limbah B3 belum dijalankan sebagaimana mestinya. Faktor penyebabnya adalah rendahnya pemahaman pelaku industri mebel terhadap pengelolaan limbah B3, serta lemahnya pengawasan dari instansi pengelola lingkungan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini diusulkan kepada instansi pengelola lingkungan agar menyempurnaan tata laksana penyusunan dokumen lingkungan pemrakarsa industri mebel, melakukan pengawasan di lapangan sesuai prosedur, dan menegakkan hukum lingkungan yang berlaku. Kata kunci: B3, industri mebel, evaluasi, limbah, pengelolaan. The furniture industry is an industry that processes raw materials or semi-finished materials from wood, rattan, and other natural raw materials into finished furniture products that have higher added value and benefits. In its production, the furniture industry uses hazardous auxiliary materials so that produce hazardous waste. In general, the furniture industry hazardous waste is produced from the process of material preparation and finishing, the hazardous waste is in the form of used thinner, the rest of the top coat, the rest of the paint, the remaining woodstein, the remaining wood preservatives, the remaining wood bleach and waste from maintenance activities in the form of used oil. Hazardous waste furniture has flammable and toxic properties so it must be managed properly. The research aims to evaluate the management of hazardous waste in the furniture industry in Jepara Regency that has been implemented so far, whether it is in accordance with the procedure or not. The study was conducted using a survey method with an evaluative descriptive analysis approach to 38 furniture industries as samples. The research data was obtained through questionnaires, interviews, the results of reviews of environmental management and monitoring report documents and field observations. The indicator which used to evaluate is the hazardous waste management indicator in the planning stage and operational stage. From the results of the study, it is known that the management of hazardous waste in the furniture industry in Jepara Regency is not effective. This can be seen from the low percentage of furniture companies that make efforts to manage hazardous waste in their environmental documents, which is 11%, and the low percentage of furniture companies that have a permit to store hazardous waste which is equal to 0%. The rules in the preparation of environmental documents that are expected to improve the performance of environmental management have not been successful in its implementation, and the rules for managing hazardous waste have not been carried out properly. The contributing factors are the low understanding of the furniture industry players on hazardous waste management, as well as the weak supervision of the environmental management agency. Based on the results of this study it was proposed to the environmental management agency to improve the management of the environmental document initiator document preparation, conduct supervision in the field according to procedures, and enforce applicable environmental law. Keywords: hazardous, furniture industry, evaluation, waste, management.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | B3, industri mebel, evaluasi, limbah, pengelolaan |
Subjects: | T Technology > TD Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate > Master Program in Environmental Science |
ID Code: | 76776 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 26 Sep 2019 14:32 |
Last Modified: | 26 Sep 2019 14:32 |
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