Sriyanto, ST,MT and Fanani, Zainal and Sulistyo, Hendrawan (2008) Desain Model Evaluasi Supplier dengan Mengguanakan Teknik Topsis dan Ahp (Studi Kasus pada PT Kubota Indonesia). Diponegoro University. (Unpublished)
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PT Kubota Indonesia (PTKI) senantiasa bekerjasama dengan berbagai supplier guna memasok material dan komponen yang digunakannya. Tiap supplier tersebut memasok item yang berbeda. Pada kenyatannya, performa yang diberikan masing-masing supplier dalam memenuhi permintaan dari PTKI adalah berbeda-beda. Guna mengetahui perkembangan performa yang dicapai oleh para supplier, PTKI melakukan evaluasi supplier secara berkala. Namun model evaluasi supplier yang selama ini dipakai dirasakan belum mampu merepresentasikan performa sesungguhnya dari para supplier. Untuk itu perlu dikembangkan suatu model evaluasi supplier yang baru. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai pengembangan model evaluasi supplier dengan penerapan teknik TOPSIS dan AHP. Berdasarkan pengamatan dan wawancara yang telah dilakukan terhadap pihak PTKI, pada model evaluasi yang baru ini memasukkan 7 kriteria penilaian. Ketujuh kriteria tersebut adalah quality, delivery, price, ISO 14000 certification, warranties and claims policies, attitude dan communication system. Dengan AHP diperoleh nilai bobot tiap kriteria penilaian berturut-turut dari besar ke kecil adalah quality (0.41), delivery (0.23), attitude (0.13), price (0.09), communication system (0.06), warranties and claims policies (0.04), dan ISO 14000 certification (0.03). Sedangkan dengan TOPSIS didapatkan sejumlah 14 supplier yang dikategorikan excellent, 7 supplier masuk dalam kategori very good,5 supplier masuk di kategori good, 8 supplier pada kategori fair, 5 supplier berkategori poor, dan 1 supplier yang masuk di kategori unacceptable. PT Kubota Indonesia (PTKI) depends on various suppliers to supply raw materials and components. Each item was supplied by different supplier. In fact, each supplier’s performance wasn’t similar. PTKI always undertakes supplier evaluation in periodic times to monitor the suppliers’ performance. Nevertheless, supplier evaluation model usually used by PTKI for whole later years couldn’t represent the true suppliers’ performances. Therefore, it’s necessary to develope a new supplier evaluation model. This study describes the developing supplier evaluation model through implementation of TOPSIS and AHP technique. Based on the observation and the interview with PTKI’s side, the new model includes 7 judgment criteria. The 7 judgment criteria are quality, delivery, price, ISO 14000 certification, warranties and claims policies, attitude, and communication system. Obtained by AHP weight values for each judgment criteria in sequence from the highest to the lowest are quality (0.41), delivery (0.23), attitude (0.13), price (0.09), communication system (0.06), warranties and claims policies (0.04), and ISO 14000 certification (0.03). Whereas obtained by TOPSIS as many as 14 suppliers which categorized into excellent, 7 suppliers categorized into very good, 5 suppliers categorized into good, 8 suppliers categorized into fair, 5 suppliers categorized into poor, and 1 supplier categorized into unacceptable.
Item Type: | Other |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Kata kunci: Model Evaluasi Supplier, Kriteria Penilaian, TOPSIS, AHP. Keyword: Supplier Evaluation Model, Judgment Criteria, TOPSIS, AHP. |
Subjects: | T Technology > T Technology (General) T Technology > TS Manufactures |
Divisions: | Faculty of Engineering > Department of Industrial Engineering Faculty of Engineering > Department of Industrial Engineering |
ID Code: | 7615 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 26 Mar 2010 10:33 |
Last Modified: | 26 Mar 2010 10:33 |
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