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Profil Kesehatan Kabupaten Grobogan tahun 2003 mencatat penderita sakit pengunjung pukesmas terbesar ISPA 32,9%. Pada bayi rata-rata 50 kasus dari 100 bayi dan pada anak balita 23 kasus dari 100 anak balita. Upaya untuk menekan tingginya morbiditas ISPA dilakukan mulai dari sosialisasipedoman pemberantasan penyakit ISPA pada tugas pengobatan puskesmas. Hasil sosialisasi dimaksudkan agar petugas dapat melakukan pengobatan ISPA sesuai standar, penderita cepat sembuh dan tidak menjadi sumber penularan bagi balita lainnya, tetapi kasus ISPA belum menunjukkan penurunan yang berarti. Hasil observasi tindakkan petugas puskesmas dalam pelayanan penyakit batuk pilek masih ditemukan diagnosa tidak mengunakan peralatan medis, hanya dengan anamnesa dan observasi klinis serta waktu pemeriksaan yang singkat. Pasien segera diberi resep dengan 90% memggunakan antibiotik. Bila dibandingkan pedoman pemberantasan penyakit ISPA maka pelayanan ISPA di Puskesmas belum mentuhi standar pelayanan ISPA. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pengetahuan petugas tantang pedoman pemberantasan penyakit ISPA dengan kepatuhan terhadap standar pelayanan ISPA di Puskesmas. Jenis penelitianObservasional dengan pendekatanCross sectinal. Poppulasi adalah petugas pengobatan puskesmas yaitu dokter dan perawat pelaksana pengobatan sebanyak 72 orang yang seluruhnya menjadi responden. Hipotesis adalah ada hubungan antara pengetahuan pedoman pemberantasan penyakit ISPA dengan kepatuhan petugas terhadap standar pelayanan ISPA di puskesmas. Pengetahuan pedoman peberantasan penyakit ISPA didekati dengan memberikan pertanyaan pada responden dan melakukan penilaian atas jawabannya. Kepatuhan tugas didekati dengan observasi tugas pada saat melakukan pelayanan ISPA menggunakancheck lisk.uji hipotesis menggunakanuji Rank Spearman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat pengetahuan tugas tantang pedoman pemberantasan ISPA sebanyak 31,9% kategori baik,36,1% kucup dan 31,9% kurang. Tingakt kepatuhan petugas pada standar pelayanan ISPA sebesar 33,3% kategori patuh, 34,7 cukup patuh dan 31,9% kurang patuhan. Hasil uji Rank Spearman menunjukkan ada hubungan antara terhadap standar pelayanan ISPA (p = 0,001). Derajat keeratan hubungan menunjukkan gradasi lemah (r=0,430). Untuk meningkatkan kepatuhan tugas pelayanan pengobatan Puskesmas terhadap standar pelayanan ISPA perlu adanya pelatihan pedoman P2 ISPA yang lebih baik dan bimbingan teknis pengobatan ISPA yang berlanjutan. Kata Kunci: Pengetahuan,Kepatuhan standar pelayanan,ISPA CORRELATION BETWEEN KNOWLEDGE ON THE GUIDANCE OF ISPA ERADICATION PROCEDURE WITH THE OBBIDIENCE OF HEALTH EMPLOYEE TO STANDARD OF ISPA SERVICE IN THE PUBLIC HEALTH CENTRE OF GROBOGAN REGENCY 2004 Grobongan health profile in 2003 show that the higher visitors of Public Health Centre is ISPA (32,9%). Cases of babies are 50 cases of 100 babies, and cases of chidrens 1-5 years are 23 cases of 100 chidrens. Socialization of ISPA therapiutically standard for medical hearlth employee is chosen effort to pressure the high morbidity of ISPA, but the ISPA cases ofchidren is not going down significantly. Obsevation to medical health employees are done to clearly the ISPA service in the Public Health Centre. The result find out that some of diagnoses just base on clinical observaon, don,'t use the medical equipment, and the health exammination process fastly. Base on the ISPA therapiutically standar theseall out of standard services. This research porposes to identify the correlation between knowledgge on the guidance of ISPA eradication procedure with the obbidience of health employee to standard of ISPA service in the Public Health Centre. Technical research is Observasional with the Cross sectional approach. Populations are medical health employees in the Public Health Centre. They are 72 peoppes consist of doctors and nurses. They all uses as respondents. Hypotesis of this research is knowledge on docctors and nurses. Yhey alluses as respondents. Hypotesis of this research is knowledge on the guidance of ISPA eradication procedure correlation with the obbidience of health employee to standard of ISPA service. Knowledge on the guidance of ISPA eradication procedure is examined with their respons of some questions about subject ofguidance of ispa eradication procedure to standard of ISPA service is known by observation of their action on the therapiutical process use the check lists. Hypotesis test. The result of this research known that the knowledgeon the guidance of ISPA eradication procedure spread on normally distribution with good knowledge 31,9%, enough 36,1% and 31,9% less knowledge. The obbidience of health employee to standard of ISPA service shown that 33,3% obbey, 34,7% enough,and 31,9% careless. Correlation test with Rank Spearman test shown that the knowledge on the guidance of ISPA eradication procedure have significant correlation with the obbidience of health employee to standard of ISPA services (p=0,000). Degree of correlation is weak (r=0,430). The obbidience of health employee tostandard of ISPA Services ought to be start from the knowledge on the guidance of ISPA eradication procedure to standard of ispa service in the public health centre for all medical health employees.Baside that technically assistants for ISPA medical healt employees about ISPA therapiutical services in the public health centre are nedded periodically. Keyword : Knowledge,Medical health employee,Obbey of therapiutical services ISPA
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > RA Public aspects of medicine > RA0421 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive Medicine |
ID Code: | 7398 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 15 Mar 2010 14:05 |
Last Modified: | 15 Mar 2010 14:05 |
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