MARTINUS, Ishak and Hadisaputro, Soeharyo and Munasik, Munasik (2019) BERBAGAI FAKTOR YANG BERPENGARUH TERHADAP BAROTRAUMA TELINGA TENGAH PADA PENYELAM TRADISIONAL ( Studi di Wilayah Balaesang Tanjung Kabupaten Donggala). Masters thesis, School of Postgraduate.
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Latar Belakang : Barotrauma telinga adalah kerusakan jaringan telinga akibat ketidakampuan menyamakan tekanan ruang telinga tengah dengan tekanan lingkungan. Cedera paling banyak terjadi pada penyelaman di kedalaman dangkal yaitu 4,3-17,4 kaki (1,3–5,3 meter), dapat menyebabkan pecahnya gendang telinga. Tujuan : Menjelaskan pengaruh faktor host dan environment terhadap kejadian barotrauma telinga tengah pada penyelam tradisional. Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dengan desain cross sectional di tunjang dengan pendekatan kualitatif melalui indepth interview. Populasi studi adalah penyelam tradisional tahan nafas, berjumlah 78 reponden. Variabel dependen penelitian adalah kejadian barotrauma telinga tengah penyelam tradisional dengan pemeriksaan otoskopi. Variabel independen meliputi faktor host dan environment. Analisis data menggunakan bivariat dan multivariat. Hasil : Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 32 orang (41,0%) dari 78 penyelam tradisional yang diperiksa mengalami barotrauma telinga tengah. Hasil uji regresi logistik menunjukkan variabel yang terbukti berpengaruh terhadap kejadian barotrauma telinga tengah adalah tidak penyuluhan kesehatan (p = 0,009; PR = 3,920; 95% CI = 1,405 – 10.936), frekuensi penyelaman sering (p = 0,0106; PR = 5,310; 95% CI = 1,619 – 17,413) Kesimpulan : Faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap kejadian barotrauma telinga tengah pada penyelam tradisional adalah tidak penyuluhan kesehatan, frekuensi penyelaman sering atau ≥ 4 hari/minggu, dengan probabilitas 70,72%. Kata Kunci : barotrauma telinga, gendang telinga, otoskopi. Background: Barotrauma ear is damage to ear tissue due to the inability to equalize the pressure of the middle ear space with environmental pressure. Most injuries occur in shallow depths of 4.3-17.4 feet (1.3–5.3 meters), which can cause an eardrum to rupture. Objective: To explain the influence of host and environment factors on the occurrence of middle ear barotrauma in traditional divers. Method: This study was a cross sectional study supported by a qualitative approach through in-depth interviews. The study population was breath-resistant traditional divers, totaling 78 respondents. The dependent variable of the study was the occurrence of barotrauma in the middle ear of traditional divers with otoscopy. Independent variables include host and environment factors. Data analysis using bivariate and multivariate Results: The results of the study showed that 32 people (41.0%) of the 78 traditional divers examined for middle ear barotrauma. The logistic regression test results showed that the variables that proved to influence the incidence of middle ear barotrauma were no health education (p = 0.009; PR = 3.920; 95% CI = 1.405 - 10.936), the frequency of dives was often (p = 0.0106; PR = 5.310; 95% CI = 1,619 - 17,413) Conclusion: The factors that influence the incidence of middle ear barotrauma in traditional divers are not health education, the frequency of dives is often or ≥ 4 days / week, with a probability of 70.72%. Keywords: ear barotrauma, eardrum, autoscopy.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > RA Public aspects of medicine > RA0421 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive Medicine |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate > Master Program in Epidemiology |
ID Code: | 72386 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 06 May 2019 14:35 |
Last Modified: | 06 May 2019 14:35 |
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