Bachtiar, Arfan and Hartini, Sri and KARTHA S, RAMA (2008) Feasibility Study Pendirian Industri Pengolahan Susu UHT di Kabupaten Boyolali. Diponegoro University. (Unpublished)
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Kabupaten Boyolali merupakan pusat penghasil susu sapi di Jawa Tengah. Produksi susu segar pada tahun 2005 sebesar 27.295.835 liter dan populasi ternak sapi perah sebanyak 105.736 ekor. Pada tahun 2000 sampai Juni 2006 menunjukkan konsumsi susu nasional memiliki kecenderungan meningkat. Dengan konsumsi susu nasional yang meningkat, hal ini menunjukkan masih prospektifnya pendirian industri pengolahan susu di Indonesia [Direktorat Jenderal Bina Produksi Peternakan]. Dengan terbukanya peluang penyerapan produk susu, terbuka pula peluang untuk mendirikan sebuah industri pengolahan susu cair UHT di Boyolali dengan pertimbangan antara lain : tersedianya bahan baku berupa susu segar di kabupaten Boyolali yang sangat cocok untuk bahan baku industri susu cair UHT, pemasaran susu dalam bentuk susu cair UHT yang masih terbuka luas mengingat tingkat konsumsi susu perkapita masih rendah dan jumlah penduduk yang semakin bertambah serta adanya peraturan pemerintah yang mendukung investasi di bidang industri pengolahan susu. Pengolahan data dan analisis studi kelayakan telah dilakukan. Menggunakan software Microsoft Excel diketahui kelayakan pendirian susu UHT di Boyolali dalam berbagai aspek pendirian industri. Mulai dari aspek pasar, aspek teknis, aspek organisasi, aspek legal dan lingkungan, aspek finansial serta aspek sosial ekonomi. Dari nilai-nilai yang diperoleh dari software yang digunakan disimpulkan bahwa proyek layak untuk diteruskan. Boyolali residence is the biggest producer of dairy milk in Central java. fresh Milk production in the year 2005 equal to 27.295.835 dairy cattle livestock population and litre counted 105.736 tail. In the year 2000 shall June 2006 showing the national milk consumption have tendency mount. With the national milk consumption mount, this matter show still prospektifnya founding of industry processing of milk in Indonesia [Direktorat Jenderal Bina Produksi Peternakan]. Openly the opportunity of absorbtion of milk product, open also opportunity to found a industry processing of UHT liquid milk in Boyolali with consideration for example : made available of raw material in the form of fresh milk in sub-province Boyolali very suited for industrial raw material of UHT liquid milk, marketing of milk in the form of UHT liquid milk which leave open wide considering the storey;level consume the milk perkapita still lower and amount of the residents progressively increase and also existence of regulation of the government support the invesment in industry area processing of milk. Data processing feasibility study analysis and have been done. Use software Microsoft Excel known by the elegibility of founding of milk UHT in Boyolali in so many aspect founding of industry. Start from market aspect, technical aspect, organizational aspect, legal aspect and environment, financial aspect and also social aspect of economics. From the values obtained from software used to be concluded that competent project to be continued.
Item Type: | Other |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Kata kunci : studi kelayakan, Boyolali, susu UHT, Microsoft Excel Key word : feasibility study, Boyolali, UHTmilk, Microsoft Excel |
Subjects: | T Technology > T Technology (General) T Technology > TS Manufactures |
Divisions: | Faculty of Engineering > Department of Industrial Engineering Faculty of Engineering > Department of Industrial Engineering |
ID Code: | 7182 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 04 Mar 2010 10:23 |
Last Modified: | 04 Mar 2010 10:23 |
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