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Pekerjaan pengelasan listrik memiliki potensi bahaya sinar ultraviolet, polusi asap pembakaran logam dan debu karat/kerak logam yang dihasilkano dari gesekan logam, serta percikan api. Maka perlu diadakan upaya untuk mengurangi resiko terjadinya kecelakaan kerja, salah satunya adalah dengan pencegahan kecelakaan kerja secara teknis. Namun apabila belum dapat dilakukan secara sempurna karena keterbatasan teknologi dan keuangan, khususnya dalam sektor informal maka penggunaan alat pelindung diri menjadi sangat penting. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan pemakaian alat pelindung diri pada juru las listrik di wilayah Kecamatan Tembalang Kota Semarang. Jenis penelitian explanatory research dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Subjek penelitian adalah total populasi (30 responden). Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah uji Chi Square dan uji keeratan untuk menunjukkan kebermaknaan hubungan. Sebesar 83,3% responden berusia 18 - 40 tahun. Sebesar 60% responden berpendidikan tamat SMA. Sebesar 70% responden bekerja <=5 tahun. Sebesar 73,3% responden tidak memiliki sertifikat. Sebesar 56,7% responden memiliki tingkat pengetahuan kategori sedang. Sebesar 50,0% responden memiliki sikap kategori sedang. Sebesar 56,7% responden memiliki praktik pemakaian APD kategori sedang. Ada hubungan antara pengetahuan responden dengan pemakaian APD (p=0,018) dengan tingkat keeratan sedang (Cc=0,402). Tidak ada hubungan antara umur responden dengan pemakaian APD, pendidikan responden dengan pemakaian APD, lama kerja responden dengan pemakaian APD, dan sikap responden dengan pemakaian APD. Disarankan bagi pemilik bengkel untuk lebih memperhatikan keselamatan dan kesehatan karyawannya, khususnya juru las dengan memberikan motivasi untuk selalu memakai alat pelindung diri ketika mengelas. Kata Kunci: umur, pendidikan, lama kerja, sertifikat, pengetahuan, sikap, sarana, tindakan lingkungan, pengalaman kecelakaan kerja, praktik pemakaian alat pelindung diri, juru las listrik, kecamatan Tembalang FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH THE USAGE OF THE PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUPIMENT AT THE WELDERS IN TEMBALANG SUB DISTRICT AREA, SEMARANG CITY Electrical welding work contains hazards of ultraviolet ray radiation, smoke pollution from metal combustion and dust of metal rust or metal crust that produced from metal friction, and also the hazards of the sprinkling flame. Therefore, it needs efforts to reduce the risk of occupational injury, one of them is by preventing the injury technically. But if hasn't able to done perfectly due to the limitedness of technology and finances, especially in the informal sector, therefore the usage of the personal protective equipment becomes very important. The aim from this research is knowing factors which are associated to the usage of the personal protective equipment at the welders in Tembalang sub district area, Semarang city. This study was an explanatory research with the cross sectional approach. Research subject was total population (30 respondents). This research uses Chi Square test and Coefficient Contingency value show the substantial association of the factors. 83,3% respondents 18 - 40 years old. 60% respondents senior high school graduated. 70% respondents have works <=5 years. 73,3% respondents haven't certificate. 56,7% respondents have medium knowledge. 50% respondents have medium attitude. 56,7% respondents have medium usage of the personal protective equipment practice. There was relation between respondents's knowledge with usage of the personal protective equipment (p=0,018) with medium tightly (Cc=0,402). There was no relation between age's respondents's with usage of the personal protective equipment, respondents's educational degree with usage of the personal protective equipment, respondents's working period with usage of the personal protective equipment, and respondents's attitude with usage of the personal protective equipment. It is advisable for the welding shop owner to give more attention to their worker's safety and health, especially welders, by giving them motivation to keep usage of the personal protective equipment when they are doing the welding work. Keyword: age, educational degree, working period, certificate,
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > RA Public aspects of medicine > RA0421 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive Medicine |
Divisions: | Faculty of Public Health > Department of Public Health |
ID Code: | 7134 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 02 Mar 2010 10:05 |
Last Modified: | 02 Mar 2010 10:05 |
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