Saptadi, Singgih and Nurkertamanda, Denny and Laily, Chairil (2008) Evaluasi dan Peningkatan Kualitas Sistem Pelayanan Call Center dengan Pendekatan Lean Six Sigma (Studi Kasus pada Call Center 147 PT. Telkom Divre IV JATENG-DIY). Diponegoro University. (Unpublished)
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PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk (PT. TELKOM) merupakan perusahaan telekomunikasi terbesar di Indonesia. Call center bertanggung jawab atas pertanyaan dan komplain pelanggan terhadap produk yang dikeluarkan PT. TELKOM. Pada Tugas Sarjana ini, penelitian dilakukan pada call center 147. Untuk menjaga kualitas layanan, pada call center terdapat Service Level Agreement (SLA) yang disepakati pihak Infomedia (pengelola call center) dengan PT. TELKOM, yaitu sebesar 99%. Namun pada kenyataannya, target SLA ini tidak selalu tercapai. Rata-rata service level bulan Maret-Mei 2007 untuk bagian Flexi 97.20%, Telephony 99.53%, dan Speedy 98.33%. Service level terendah terjadi pada bagian Flexi. Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi proses pelayanan dan pemborosan (waste) call center 147 bagian Flexi, serta memberikan usulan perbaikan untuk mereduksi pemborosan (waste) yang paling berpengaruh dengan pendekatan Lean Six Sigma. Proses pelayanan call center 147 bagian Flexi terdiri dari 3 tahap; Proses Registrasi, Penanganan Masalah, dan Penyelesaian. Pemborosan (waste) yang terjadi yaitu: Defects (cacat pada pelayanan), Overproduction (proses pelayanan yang berlebihan), Waiting (customer menunggu untuk dilayani), Inappropriate processing (prosedur penanganan masalah kurang tepat), Unnecessary motion (pergerakan tidak produktif), dan Unnecessary inventory (penumpukan pengaduan). Kapabilitas pelayanan call center berdasarkan CTQ (Critical to Quality) pada urutan waste tersebut adalah 4.34 s, 1.09 s, 3.58 s, 2.59 s, 0.38 s, dan 4.39 s. Usulan perbaikan untuk mereduksi pemborosan (waste) meliputi :1. Pembuatan SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) dan Standard Greeting yang menghemat waktu pelayanan 6.3 detik dan waktu greeting 5.3 detik. 2. Penentuan jumlah agent optimal melalui simulasi layanan call center. Dari hasil simulasi, diberikan usulan jumlah agent yang bertugas selama sebulan. 3. Penambahan jumlah agent dilakukan dengan perekrutan 1 agent baru yang membutuhkan biaya Rp. 62.206.942,68. 4. Pengawasan SPV diperketat melalui redesain tempat kerja (meja dan kursi) SPV yang ergonomis dan pembuatan podium untuk mempertinggi tempat kerja SPV. Kata kunci : lean six sigma, call center, simulasi, standard operating procedure, redesain PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk (PT. TELKOM) is the biggest telecommunication company in Indonesia. Call center response customer’s question and complaint about the products of PT. TELKOM. In this Scholar Task, the research held at call center 147. To keep the service quality, at call center there is Service Level Agreement (SLA) that agreed by Infomedia (call center organizer) with PT. TELKOM, it is 99%. However, in reality, this SLA target is not always reached. The service level average in month March-May 2007 for section Flexi 97.20%, Telephony 99.53%, and Speedy 98.33%. The lowest service level is in Flexi. This research identify service process and waste in Flexi section of call center 147, and give the suggenstions to reduces waste wich most effected with Lean Six Sigma approach. Service process in Flexi section of call center consist of 3 stages; Registration Process, Problem Solving, and Enclosed. The waste in call center i.e : Defects (the service defect), Overproduction (over service procedures), Waiting (customer wait to served), Inappropriate processing (inappropriate problem solving), Unnecessary motion (unproductive motion), and Unnecessary inventory (complaint accumulation). Call center’s capability according to CTQ (Critical to Quality) on those waste are 4.34 s, 1.09 s, 3.58 s, 2.59 s, 0.38 s, dan 4.39 s. Improvement suggestion to reduces the waste involved : 1. Making of SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) and Greeting Standard wich shorter service times 6.3 second and greeting times 5.3 second. 2. Optimal number of agents determination use call center service simulation. According to simulation’s results, suggests the number of agent who work for a month. 3. Increasing number of agent with a new agent recrutment that its cost Rp.62.206.942,68. 4. Strictness SPV monitoring with redesain workroom (ergonomics worktable and chair) for SPV and making stage to higher SPV’s workroom. Key word : lean six sigma, call center, simulation, standard operating procedure, redesain
Item Type: | Other |
Subjects: | T Technology > T Technology (General) T Technology > TS Manufactures |
Divisions: | Faculty of Engineering > Department of Industrial Engineering Faculty of Engineering > Department of Industrial Engineering |
ID Code: | 6994 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 18 Feb 2010 15:28 |
Last Modified: | 18 Feb 2010 15:31 |
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