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Kabupaten Merauke, tahun 2010 menyusun program Merauke Integrated Food and Energy Estate (MIFEE) yaitu program alternatif untuk solusi krisis pangan dan energi bangsa yang berorientasi pada pengembangan pertanian secara terpadu. Progam MIFEE ini membutuhkan lahan yang cukup besar yaitu ±1,2 juta ha. Dalam konteks lingkungan kondisi tersebut memberikan tekanan kepada daya dukung dan daya tampung lingkunganpadawilayah tersebut.Untuk itu penelitian dilakuan untuk menganalisis kemampuan daya dukung lingkungan melalui pendekatan EcologycalFootprint di Kluster Sentra Produksi Pertanian (KSPP) Program MIFEE, guna keberlanjutan pengelolaan Sumber daya Alam dan sekaligus memberikan alternatif kebijakan pengelolaannya. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan mixed method dan casestudy. Data jejakekologi dianalisis dengan GlobalFootprintNetwork(GFN‐USA, 2016), daya dukung lahan dan daya dukung air dianisis menggunakan Permen LH Nomor 17 tahun 2009, Analisis carbonfootprint dilakukan dengan menggunakan program Land Use Planning for Multiple Environmental Services (LUMENS)QUES-C Carbon Dynamic Analysis, Analisis persepsi masyarakat dengan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dan strategipengelolaan dianalisis dengan integrasi metode SWOT dan AHP dan software Expert Choice 11.2 Hasil penelitian menunjukan Jejak Ekologis berada pada kategori surplus sumberdaya (ecological debt) dengan EF Demand 29,9536 gha/jiwa dan nilai defisit ekologis 1.1956 gha/jiwa;Daya Dukung Sumber Daya Lahan pada statusDaya Dukung conditionally sustained, dengan Nilai SL 26.596,250 Nilai DL16.311.94ha, dan Nilai Status DDL (lahan) sebesar 1.63 ha/jiwa; Daya Dukung Sumber daya Air Surplus dan Sustained, nilai SA453.446.873.73m3/tahun, DA78.689.600m3/tahun. Nilai Status DDL(Air) sebesar 5.76. Analisis Carbon menunjukan Perubahan penggunaan lahan utama Periode Tahun 2000 – 2014 didominasi perubahan Hutan eucalyptus/acaciake- hutan rawa primer, rumput/ savana dan semak belukar. Terjadi peningkatan emisi periode tahun 2000-2005, periode tahun 2005 – 2010 dan periode tahun 2010-2015 dengan laju emisi rata-rata per unit area sebesar 8,21 Ton CO2eq/ha.tahun; dan nilai Sekuestrasi terjadi fluktuasi periode 2000-2014 akibat perubahan tutupan lahan. Hasil analisis Persepsi Masyarakat masih positif dan mendukung pengembangan program. Prioritas Strategi pengelolaan berdasarkan AWOT adalah Pembentukan lembaga khusus bobot 0.241, Sosialisasi program bobot 0.221, Peningkatankualitas SDM berbasis kearifan lokal bobot 0.122, Mengembangkan diversivikasi pertanian ramah lingkungan low exernal input) bobot 0.114, Melibatkan stakeholderbobot 0.105; Penerapan peraturan dan sanksi sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku bobot 0.071 dan Menjaga dan Melindungan Tempat sakral, tempat penting dan daerah konservasi berwawasan keanekaragaman hayati bobot 0.064; sertaketerlibatan masyarakat pada kegiatan CSRbobot 0.061. Kata Kunci : KSPP Program MIFEE, EcologycalFootprint, Daya Dukung Lingkungan, Persepsi Masyarakat dan Strategi kebijakan. Merauke, in 2010, constructed Merauke Integrated Food and Energy Estate (MIFEE); an alternative program to overcome national food and energy crisis oriented to integrated farming development. This program requires great area of about 1.2 Ha. In terms of environmental, this suppresses the capacity of environment at the area.So, this study is aimed to analyze the capacity of environment through ecological footprint approach at Farming Production Centre Cluster (KSPP) of MIFEE Program for the sustainability of natural resources maintenance and giving the alternative ways to it. This study used mixed method and case study. The ecological footprint data were analyzed using GlobalFootprintNetwork(GFN‐USA, 2016), the land and water supply were analyzed using Rules of Living Environment Ministry Number 17,2009, the carbon footprint analysis was done with Land Use Planning for Multiple Environmental Services (LUMENS)QUES-C Carbon Dynamic Analysis, the analysis of social perception was done using descriptive qualitative method and the management strategy was analyzed using SWOT and AHP and Expert Choice 11.2software. The results showed that ecological footprint factor was on ecological debt with EF demand 29,9536 gha/inhabitantand ecological deficit on 1,1956 gha/inhabitant;the land resource capacity was on status of conditionally sustained with SL 26,596.250, DL16.311.94ha,and the value of DDL (land) was 1.63 ha/inhabitant; the water capacity was surplus and sustained withSA453.446.873.73m3/year,DA78.689.600m3/year, andthe status of DDL(water) was 5.76.The carbon analysis showed change on main-land usage during period of 2000 – 2014 dominated by the change from eucalyptus/ acacia forest into primer swamp forest, savanna, and bush. The rise of emission happened during 2000-2005, 2005 – 2010 and 2010-2015 with the average speed of emission was 8.21 Ton CO2eq/ha/ year/ unit; and the value of Sekuestrasifluctuated during 2000-201 caused by land-cover change. The analysis results of social perception were positive and supportive on the program development. The priorities of management strategy based on SWOT are the creation of special unit with score0.241 criterion, the socialization of program with score 0.221, the human resources quality improvement based on local wisdom with score 0.122, the development of low external input farming diversification with score 0.114, the involvement of stakeholder with score 0.105, the application of rules and punishments according to policy with score 0.071, the maintenance and preservation of sacred places, important places, and conservation area with bio-diversity knowledge with score 0.064, and the participation of society on CSR with score 0.061. Keywords: KSPP of MIFEE Program, EcologicalFootprint, Environmental Capacity, Social Perception and Management Strategy.
Item Type: | Thesis (PhD) |
Subjects: | T Technology > TD Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate > Doctor Program in Environmental Science |
ID Code: | 66178 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 31 Oct 2018 09:53 |
Last Modified: | 31 Oct 2018 09:53 |
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