PUTRANTO, Rizky Ade and Suryono, Suryono and Suseno, Jatmiko Endro (2018) CLOUD COMPUTING REKAM MEDIS STATUS GIZI BAYI TERKAIT INDEKS ANTROPOMETRI PADA MASA POSTPARTUM. Masters thesis, School of Postgraduate.
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Penelitian ini mengimplementasikan cloud computing dalam monitoring status gizi bayi pada masa postpartum. Cloud computing berperan dalam perhitungan komputasi yang diolah menggunakan metode forward chaining untuk memodelkan kondisi pasien berdasarkan variabel tanda-tanda vital dan klasifikasi status gizi balita berdasarkan indeks antropometri. Kekurangan gizi pada bayi mempengaruhi kesehatan dan perkembangan tubuh. Pada saat ini sering terjadi keterlambatan penanganan masalah gizi pada bayi dikarenakan data rekam medis tidak cepat dalam monitoringnya. Penelitian ini mengusulkan sistem yang menggunakan teknologi cloud computing platform as a service untuk perhitungan secara cepat terhadap klasifikasi status gizi bayi pada masa postpartum. Manajemen database klasifikasi status gizi menggunakan virtualisasi dan web service yang dapat mengelola resources yang dibutuhkan menunjang kinerja multitasking. Diperoleh faktor paling dominan muncul dalam data rekam medis bayi masa postpartum adalah bayi hipotermi sedang sebesar 22.8% dan bayi kelainan kongenital sebesar 22.6%. Klasifikasi gizi bayi diperoleh status gizi paling dominan adalah bayi mengalami gizi baik sebesar 89% berdasarkan indikator BB/U, bayi mengalami status gizi normal sebesar 53.2% berdasarkan indikator PB/U dan bayi mengalami status gizi sangat kurus sebesar 80% berdasarkan indikator BB/PB. Kata Kunci: Cloud Computing, Web Service, Forward Chaining, Platform as a Services, Postpartum. This study implements cloud computing in monitoring the nutritional status of infants during postpartum. Cloud computing plays a role in computational calculations that are processed using the forward chaining method to model the patient's condition based on the variables of vital signs and classification of nutritional status of children based on the anthropometry index. Malnutrition in infants affects the health and development of the body. At this time there is often a delay in handling nutritional problems in infants because medical record data is not fast in monitoring. This study proposes a system that uses them as a service platform cloud computing technology to calculate quickly the classification of nutritional status of infants during postpartum. The management of nutritional status classification database uses virtualization and web services that can manage the resources needed to support multitasking performance. Obtained the most dominant factors appearing in the baby's medical record data postpartum period is moderate hypothermia by 22.8% and infants with congenital abnormalities by 22.6%. Infant nutrition classification obtained the most dominant nutritional status is the baby experienced good nutrition by 89% based on BB / U indicator, the baby experienced normal nutritional status of 53.2% based on PB / U indicator and the baby experienced very thin nutritional status of 80% based on BB / PB indicator. Keywords: Cloud Computing, Web Service, Forward Chaining, Platform as a Services, Postpartum
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | Q Science > QA Mathematics > QA75 Electronic computers. Computer science |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate > Master Program in Information System |
ID Code: | 66151 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 26 Oct 2018 10:52 |
Last Modified: | 26 Oct 2018 10:52 |
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