YULIANTI, Wiwik and Hadi, Sudharto P. (2018) EFEKTIVITAS PERATURAN IJIN MENDIRIKAN BANGUNAN (IMB) TERHADAP PEMENUHAN STANDAR RUANG TERBUKA HIJAU (RTH) PRIVAT KAWASAN PERUMAHAN Studi Kasus : Kecamatan Kota Kendal, Kaliwungu, dan Weleri Kabupaten Kendal. Masters thesis, School of Postgraduate.

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Pemenuhan kebutuhan rumah menjadi hal mutlak bagi masyarakat. Perubahan peruntukan lahan menyebabkan kemerosotan daya dukung lingkungan. Berbagai bencana terjadi sebagai akibat perubahan peruntukan zona hijau menjadi lahan terbangun, seperti banjir, longsor, krisis air tanah, rendahnya kualitas air tanah, polusi udara yang tinggi, kebisingan, peningkatan suhu di wilayah perkotaan. Permasalahan lingkungan tersebut salahsatunya diakibatkan ketiadaan RTH secara ekologis. Guna mengembalikan daya dukung lingkungan dan menyelaraskan pertumbuhan lingkungan binaan dengan lingkungan alamiah, pemerintah menerbitkan peraturan perundangan, salahsatunya Undang-Undang Nomor 26 Tahun 2007 tentang Penataan Ruang dimana didalamnya memuat aturan proporsi Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) paling sedikit 30 % dari wilayah kota, terdiri dari 20% RTH publik dan 10% RTH privat. Pemenuhan proporsi RTH kawasan perkotaan masih sulit dipenuhi. Sebagai contoh kasus adalah Kabupaten Kendal dimana luas RTH publik kawasan perkotaan hanya sebesar 32,11 ha atau sebesar 1,167% dari total luas 2.751 ha kawasan perkotaan. Guna mensiasati peningkatan luasan RTH kawasan perkotaan, mekanisme penerbitan Ijin Mendirikan Bangunan (IMB) di Kabupaten Kendal mensyaratkan dokumen siteplan sebagai salah satu syarat teknis memuat minimal RTH privat yang harus dipenuhi sebesar 10% dari luas kawasan perumahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi efektivitas peraturan IMB dalam pemenuhan standar RTH privat kawasan perumahan di Kabupaten Kendal dan mengetahui arahan strategi implementasi IMB yang tepat dalam rangka memenuhi standar penyediaan RTH privat kawasan perumahan di Kabupaten Kendal. Analisis yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini antara lain: (1) Analisis spasial terhadap tingkat pemenuhan standar RTH privat kawasan perumahan melalui metode Geographical Information System (GIS), (2) Analisis tingkat kematangan implementasi peraturan IMB terhadap pemenuhan standar RTH privat kawasan perumahan dengan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) dan skoring, (3) Analisis deskriptif efektivitas implementasi peraturan IMB dalam pemenuhan standar RTH privat kawasan perumahan di Kabupaten Kendal berdasarkan 8 (delapan) prasyarat umum penegakan hukum administrasi lingkungan, serta (4) Rumusan arahan strategi efektivitas implementasi peraturan IMB dalam upaya pemenuhan standar RTH privat kawasan perumahan di kawasan perkotaan Kabupaten Kendal. Hasil penilaian efektivitas peraturan IMB berdasarkan analisis spasial terhadap tingkat pemenuhan standar RTH privat kawasan perumahan di 3 (tiga) wilayah studi, yaitu Kecamatan Kota Kendal, Kaliwungu, dan Weleri keseluruhannya memiliki nilai RENDAH dengan rata-rata nilai efektivitasnya 32,39%. Demikian halnya penilaian tingkat kematangan implementasi peraturan IMB dalam pemenuhan standar RTH privat kawasan perumahan di Kabupaten Kendal masih berada pada Tingkat A (The Repeatable Stage). Dimana berdasarkan analisis deskriptif diketemukan bahwa hanya 2 (dua) prasyarat umum kesiapan Kabupaten Kendal dalam implementasi peraturan IMB untuk memenuhi standar RTH privat kawasan perumahan telah dilaksanakan dengan baik, yaitu (1) Pendelegasian tugas dan wewenang serta (2) Mekanisme dan pelaksanaan koordinasi. Strategi untuk mencapai efektivitas implementasi peraturan IMB dalam pemenuhan standar RTH privat kawasan perumahan di Kabupaten Kendal terutama melalui pembenahan dukungan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM). Namun demikian, prasyarat umum lain seperti sarana dan prasarana, anggaran, legislasi, sistem pendeteksian dan pengaduan masyarakat, serta Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) juga masih perlu pembenahan dalam pelaksanaannya. Kata kunci: Efektivitas, Implementasi IMB, dan Ruang Terbuka Hijau Fulfilling the needs of settlement becomes an absolute for the community. Land use changes as it happens in urban areas decreases the carrying capacity of the urban environment. Various disasters occur as a consequences of green open space changed into built area, such as floods, landslides, ground water crisis, low groundwater quality, high air pollution, noise, and rising temperatures in urban areas. These environmental problems are caused by the absence of green open spaces. In order to restore the urban environmental carrying capacity and to harmonize the growth of the built area with the natural environment, the government issued regulations, one of them is The Act no. 26 of 2007 on spatial planning stipulates that green open space must reach 30% of the total area, consisting of 20% public open space and 10% private open space. The proportion of green open space in urban areas is still difficult to realize. For study case, the existing condition of urban area at Kendal Regency reach 2.751 hectares with 32,11 hectares green open space or 1,167% out of total area. An effort to increase green open space in urban areas taken by the Government of Kendal Regency is by promulgating a building permit stipulating that siteplan document as one of the technical requirements is obliged to provide a private green open space at least 10 percent of the total housing estate area. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of building permit regulation in compliance of private green open space standard at housing estate area in Kendal Regency and determine the implementation strategy. The analysis methods used in this study include: (1) Spatial analysis of the level of compliance private green open space standard at housing estate area through Geographical Information System (GIS) method, (2) Analysis of the maturity level of building permit regulation implementation in compliance private green open space standard at housing estate area through Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and scoring method, (3) Descriptive analysis of the effectiveness of building permit regulation implementation in compliance private green open space standard at housing estate area in Kendal Regency based on 8 (eight) general prerequisites for environmental law enforcement, and (4) Formulated the effectiveness strategy of building permit regulation implementation in an effort to compliance the private green open space standard at housing estate area in Kendal Regency. The results of the assessment of building permit regulation effectiveness based on spatial analysis of the level of compliance of private open space standards at the housing estate area in 3 (three) study areas; Kendal, Kaliwungu, and Weleri districts have a LOW value with an average effectiveness score are only 32.39%. Similarly, analysis of the maturity level of building permit regulation implementation in compliance private green open space standard at housing estate area indicates Level A (The Repeatable Stage). Descriptive analysis indicates that only 2 (two) general prerequisites have been properly implemented, (1) The delegation of duties and authorities; and (2) The coordination mechanisms and implementation. The most important strategy of the building permit regulation implementation effectiveness in compliance of green space standard at the housing estate area in Kendal Regency be achieved by the improvement of support of Human Resources (HR). However, another general prerequisites such as infrastructure, budget, legislation, detection systems and public complaints, and the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are also still required improvement in its implementation. Keywords: effectiveness, building permit regulation implementation, and green open space.

Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Subjects:T Technology > TD Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering
Divisions:School of Postgraduate > Master Program in Environmental Science
ID Code:66068
Deposited On:23 Oct 2018 09:52
Last Modified:23 Oct 2018 09:52

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