Ediati , Annastasia (2015) PROFIL PROBLEM EMOSI/ PERILAKU PADA REMAJA PELAJAR SMP-SMA DI KOTA SEMARANG. Jurnal Psikologi Undip , 14 (2). pp. 190-198.
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The aims of this study is to identify the profile of emotional/behavioral problems on adolescents students of junior and senior high school (SMP-SMA) in Semarang, Central Java. The subjects comprised 568 students (grade VII and X; males and females), aged between 13-17 years. Data were collected using the Indonesian translation of the Youth Self Report (YSR). The results of data analysis showed that adolescents in the junior high school/SMP reported emotional/behavioral problems more frequently than the adolescents in the senior high school/SMA (t (566) = 2.08, p = .038), especially in terms of social relations (t (566) = 2.92, p = .004), thought problems (t (566) = 2.47, p = .014), somatic complaints (t(566) = 2.98, p = .002), rule-breaking behavior (t (566) = 6.63, p < .001), and externalizing problems (t(566) = 3,37; p = .001). Gender differences was found in the adolescents’ emotional/behavioral problems. In group of junior high school students (SMP), girls reported more emotional problems than boys (t(335) = -3.55; p < .001), particularly in anxiety/depression (t(335) = -6.51; p < .001); withdrawal (t(335) = -4.26; p < .001), somatic complaints (t(335) = -2.86; p = .004); social problems (t(335) = -3.30; p = .001), attention problems (t(335) = -2.39; p = .017); and internalizing problem (t(335) = - 5.76; p < .001). In group of senior high school students (SMA), boys reported more externalizing problems (t(229) = 2.10; p = .037) and rule-breaking behavior (t(229) = 4.44; p < .001) than girls. In contrasts, girls reported more somatic complaints than boys (t(229) = -3.09; p = .001). Adolescents’ emotional/behavioral problems should gained more attention. Preventive as well as curative intervention is needed, particularly intervention that sensitive to gender and age, which also involve significant figures for adolescents (parents, school teachers, and peers). Keywords: emotional problems, behavioral problems, adolescents, high school, gender, Semarang Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi profil problem emosi/perilaku pada remaja pelajar SMP dan SMA di Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 568 siswa-siswi kelas VII dan kelas X, berusia antara 13-17 tahun, laki-laki maupun perempuan. Data problem emosi dikumpulkan menggunakan Youth Self Report (YSR) edisi Bahasa Indonesia. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa remaja SMP memiliki lebih banyak problem emosi/perilaku daripada remaja SMA (t(566) = 2,08; p = 0,038), terutama dalam hal bergaul (t(566) = 2,92; p = 0,004); berpikir (t(566) = 2,47; p = 0,014); keluhan somatik (t(566) = 2,98; p = 0,002); melanggar aturan (t(566) = 6,63; p < 0,001); dan externalizing problem (t(566) = 3,37; p = 0,001). Perbedaan gender tampak pada perbedaan domain problem emosi subjek. Pada kelompok remaja SMP, perempuan pada umumnya memiliki lebih banyak problem emosi daripada laki-laki (t(335) = -3,55; p < 0,001), terutama dalam hal kecemasan/depresi (t(335) = -6,51; p < 0,001); menarik diri dari pergaulan (t(335) = -4,26; p < 0,001), keluhan somatik (t(335) = -2,86; p = 0,004); kesulitan bergaul (t(335) = -3,30; p = 0,001), memusatkan konsentrasi (t(335) = -2,39; p = 0,017); dan internalizing problem (t(335) = -5,76; p < 0,001). Sedangkan pada remaja SMA, laki-laki lebih sering mengalami externalizing problem (t(229) = 2,10; p = 0,037) dan lebih banyak melanggar aturan (t(229) = 4,44; p < 0,001) daripada perempuan. Sebaliknya, perempuan lebih sering mengalami keluhan fisik karena problem psikologis daripada laki-laki (t(229) = -3,09; p = 0,001). Problem emosi remaja perlu mendapatkan perhatian serius dan penanganan segera. Diperlukan intervensi yang bersifat preventif maupun kuratif yang sensitif terhadap gender dan usia serta melibatkan lingkungan terdekat remaja (orangtua, sekolah, dan teman sebaya). Kata kunci: problem emosi, problem perilaku, remaja, SMP, SMA, gender, Semarang
Item Type: | Article |
Subjects: | B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BF Psychology |
Divisions: | Faculty of Psychology > Department of Psychology |
ID Code: | 64306 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 05 Sep 2018 10:26 |
Last Modified: | 12 Sep 2018 09:25 |
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