Fitrian Radam, Iphan and Taufik Mulyono, Agus and Hario Setiadji, Bagus (2017) PENGARUH GAYA HIDUP TERHADAP PEMILIHAN MODA TRANSPORTASI SUNGAI KOTA BANJARMASIN. PhD thesis, Doctor Program in Civil Engineering.

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Public t ra nsport in Ba njar masin is p rovided not o nly b y la nd tra nspo rta t io n b ut a lso b y wate r t ra nspor tat io n. Rive r t ra nspor tat io n is a n inseparab le pa rt o f Ba nja r masin, widely know as the c ity of a thousa nd r ivers. Howe ver, rece nt deve lop me nt s hows t hat t he soc iet y’ s inte rest in us ing r ive r tra nspo rta t io n is grad u a lly dec lin ing, co mpar e to us ing la nd tra nsporta tion. I n order to restore the soc iet y’s interes t in us ing r iver t ra nspor tat io n, it is necess ar y to impro ve t he s er vic e of sa id tra nsportation as a for m of r e vita lization. Mode choice model is needed to obser ve t he co mpet it ive le ve l. The a fore me nt io ned mode l take s bo t h s tr uc t ura l fa ctor s (soc io- demography, tr ip, a nd tra nspo rta t io n s yste m) a nd ps yc ho lo gica l fa ctor s into co ns ide rat io n. Soc ia l interac t io n ( life st yle in ‘conditional’ dimension) and me nta l result or huma n perspective ( lifestyle in ‘co gnit ive ’ d i me n s io n) are t he fo r ms o f t he late r fac tors. This st ud y is a imed to acq uire r iver tra nsporta t io n re vita lizat io n po lic y mode l by obser ving the influence of lifestyle a tt r ib ut es, tra ve l t ime, cos t, a nd (t yp ica l) mod e o f r ive r t ra nspor tat io n in mode c ho ice mode l. The b luep r int o f t yp ica l boa t des ign is p roc ured based o n Nat io na l Tra nspor tat io n S ys te m ( Sistranas) by using AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) me thod approac h. Lifest yle att r ib utes a ffect ing r iver mode c ho ice as a ttr ib ute s in c ho ice mode l is reso lved t hro ugh SEM- PLS (Str uc t ura l Eq uat io n Mode l – Part ia l Leas t Sq uar es) approac h. The mode c hoic e mod e l a na lys is uses MN L (Mult ino mia l Lo git Mode ls) app roac h. F r o m this AHP a na lysis, the sought a fte r boat design typica l is double hullboat type with front or back e ntr y/e xit acce ss, sta ndard speed, port a nd starboard whic h are possibly designed to c lose or open, accommodation for sta nding passe ngers dur ing the r ide, space fo r b ic yc les, pass e ngers ’ lowe r pos it io n abo ve t he wate r s ur face, a nd t he capt a in’ s pos it io n a t t he upper midd le back. Based o n S EM- PLS ana lysis result, in response to both the e xisting boat a nd on design boat model, the co mmute rs a re a ffected b y pre stige, reputation, ar roga nce, skeptic ism, a nd soc ia l status, as we ll a s the influence from the commuter s’ re latives a nd surrounding. Based o n MNL a na lys is res ult, life st yles t hat ca n be mode led are o nly 5 ( five) : (a ) prest ige; (b) rep utat io n; (c) arro ga nce; (d) skept ic is m; a nd (e) s ur ro und ing’ s influe nc e. The o utco me o f mode c ho ice mode l co ns ide r ing t he co mb ina t io n o f life st yle in ‘co nd it io na l’ d ime ns io n a nd li fest yle in ‘co gnit ive’ d ime ns io n r es ults in better model. The mode l acc urac y le ve l s ho ws t he increa se in ρse udo - R score up to 2,97% and o vera ll t he c hoice ac c urac y le ve l a r ise s up to 1,09%. Re vita lizat io n of r iver t ra nspor tatio n ca n be co nst r ucted b y res tr uc t ur ing o f r iver tra nsport, imple me nting a double hull prototype, prepar ing inte grated infras tr uc t ure wit h road tra nspo rt, actively introduc ing as we ll a s promoting the idea by t he resp ect ive a ut ho r it y (stakeholder), change of negative lifestyle image to positive, a nd tra ve l time a nd ta r iff no d iffere nt from road tra nsport. Keywords: boa t design, lifes t yle, r iver tra nsporta t io n, re vita lizat io n

Item Type:Thesis (PhD)
Subjects:T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)
Divisions:School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Doctor Program in Civil Engineering
ID Code:61395
Deposited On:19 Mar 2018 14:31
Last Modified:19 Mar 2018 14:31

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