SULISTIYONO, DIKA (2017) Rancang Bangun Simulator Elektro-pneumatik Berbasis Relay Dengan Dua Aktuator. Undergraduate thesis, undip.
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DESIGN OF ELECTRONIC-PNEUMATIK SIMULATOR BASED ON RELAY WITH TWO ACTUATORS The purpose of this final project is to design, assemble, and test the electro-pneumatik simulator as an educational trainer. The designed simulator consists of 2 (two) actuators which can be simulated sequence of actuators. Size of component, component type, and size of a whole simulator was designed on the basis of financing and aesthetics. Simulator consists of 2 (two) systems, namely pneumatik system and electronic system. Components on a pneumatik system were compressors, air service units (F.R.L), distributor, 5/2-solenoid valve, throttle valve and double acting cylinder as an actuator. The electronic system consists of 220V AC / 24V DC transformator, push button, timer, counter, relay, limit switch, and solenoid on pneumatik valve. Electro-pneumatik components were attached on a vertical melamine board. Simulator testing is done by functional test of each component and Electro-pneumatik circuit test. Supporting instruments used for the functional test were the stopwatch and the dynamometer. The functional test of the compressor was performed to know the accumulator charging flow rate in the parameters of free air delivery (FAD) in order to indicates that the component functions according to its characteristics. The functional test of force generated by the cylinder was measured by a dynamometer. The functional test of each component shows that the component function fit to its characteristics. The rate of air filling to the accumulator was 70.05 Nm3/minute and the force that was generated by the cylinder at pressure 6 kg /cm 2 was 14.73 kg. Functional test of electronic components was done by giving a 24V DC current on each component and observed its active status (ON / OFF). Electro-pneumatik circuit test was done by performing an electro-pneumatik circuit to fit a determined sequence. Keywords: Electronic System, Pneumatik System, Electro-pneumatik System Tujuan dari tugas akhir ini adalah merancang, merakit, dan uji coba simulator elektro-pneumatik sebagai alat peraga pendidikan. Simulator dirancang terdiri dari 2 (dua) aktuator yang dapat disimulasikan skuensinya. Ukuran komponen, jenis komponen, dan ukuran simulator secara keseluruhan dirancang berdasarkan batasan pembiayaan dan estetika. Simulator terdiri dari 2 (dua) sistem yaitu sistem pnumatik dan sistem elektronik. Komponen – komponen pada sistem pneumatik adalah kompresor, Air service unit (F.R.L), Distributor, Katup 5/2 pengaktuasi solenoid, Katup throttle dan silinder kerja ganda sebagai aktuatornya. Sedangkan sistem elektronik terdiri dari trafo 220V AC/24V DC, Push button, Timer, Counter, Relay, Limit switch, dan Solenoid pada katup pneumatik. Komponen – komponen elektro-pneumatik di susun pada papan melamine secara vertikal. Pengujian simulator dilakukan dengan cara uji fungsional setiap komponen dan uji rangkaian elektro-pneumatik. Instrumen pendukung yang digunakan untuk uji fungsional adalah stopwatch dan dinamometer. Uji fungsional gaya yang dihasilkan silinder menggunakan dinamometer. Uji fungsional kompresor dilakukan untuk mengetahui laju alir pengisian akumulator dalam parameter free air delivery (FAD) agar dapat menunjukkan bahwa komponen berfungsi sesuai dengan karakteristiknya. Uji fungsional setiap komponen menunjukkan bahwa komponen berfungsi sesuai dengan karakteristiknya. Laju pengisian udara dari kompresor adalah 70.05 Nm3/Menit dan gaya yang di timbulkan oleh silender pada tekanan 6 kg/cm2 adalah 14.73 kg. Uji fungsional komponen – komponen elektronik dilakukan dengan cara memberi arus 24V DC pada setiap komponen dan di amati status keaktifannya (ON/OFF). Uji rangkaian elektro-pneumatik dilakukan dengan cara membuat suatu rangkaian elektro-pneumatik untuk menghasilkan skuen yang di tentukan. Kata kunci : Sistem elektronik, Sistem pneumatik, Sistem Elektro-pnuematik
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Subjects: | T Technology > TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery |
Divisions: | Faculty of Engineering > Department of Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Engineering > Department of Mechanical Engineering |
ID Code: | 60745 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 13 Feb 2018 10:14 |
Last Modified: | 13 Feb 2018 10:14 |
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