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Kehadiran bakteri patogen atau hasil metabolismenya di dalam ikan asap dapat menimbulkan gangguan kesehatan berupa keracunan (intoksikasi) dan infeksi. Salah satu bakteri yang dicurigai terdapat di dalam ikan asap adalah Staphylococcus aureus. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran kualitas bakteriologis ikan asap di Semarang dan praktik higiene pada tingkat produsen dan penjual. Metode yang digunakan adalah survei dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Juli-Desember 2004. Sampel pada penelitian ini terdiri dari 2 macam yaitu sampel responden dan sampel ikan. Sampel responden diambil dengan cara total populasi sebanyak 69 responden, sedangkan untuk sampel ikan diambil dengan purposive sampling sebanyak 32 sampel. Dari hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan hasil bahwa rata-rata jumlah Staphylococcus aureus pada tingkat produsen, penjual yang sekaligus sebagai produsen dan penjual biasa masing-masing sebesar 0,5x103 koloni/gram, 2,0x103 koloni/gram dan 3,8x103 koloni/gram. Sedangkan rata-rata total bakteri pada tingkat produsen, penjual yang sekaligus sebagai produsen dan penjual biasa masing-masing sebesar 0,5x106 koloni/gram, 1,0x106 koloni/gram, 1,3x106 koloni/gram. Dari seluruh sampel, proporsi ikan asap yang tercemar Staphylococcus aureus melebihi batas maksimum adalah sebesar 14,3% dari penjual biasa. Di tingkat produsen, seluruh ikan asap yang diperiksa masih dalam batas aman (£106 koloni/gram). Sedangkan di tingkat pen jual terdapat sejumlah sampel yang mengandung total bakteri di atas batas maksimum yaitu sebesar 40% sampel di tingkat penjual yang sekaligus sebagai produsen dan 85,7% di tingkat penjual biasa. Sebanyak 51,4% produsen masuk dalam kategori higiene buruk dan 48,6% termasuk dalam kategori higiene baik. Di tingkat penjual yang sekaligus sebagai produsen 55,6% masuk kategori buruk dan 44,4% masuk dalam kategori higiene baik. Di tingkat penjual biasa 57,1% masuk dalam kategori higiene buruk dan 42,9% masuk dalam kategori higiene baik. Berdasarkan penelitia tersebut peneliti menyarankan agar agar produsen memberikan pengarahan kepada karyawan untuk bekerja secara higienis. Sedangkan kepada penjual disaranlan untuk menyediakan air bersih di sekitar tempat penjualan dan menghindari batu dan bersin di sekitar ikan asap Kata Kunci: ikan asap, Staphylococcus aureus, total bakteri, produsen, penjual THE EXAMINATION OF Staphylococcus aureus AMOUNT AND TOTAL BAKTERY IN SMOKED FISH IN THE LEVEL OF PRODUCER AND SELLER AT THE CENTRE OF SMOKED FISH INDUSTRY IN BANDARHARJO SEMARANG Abstract A presence of pathogen bactery or its metabolism producct in smoked fish my caused health problems, namely poisoning (intoxication) and infection. One bactery which is suspected in smoked fish is Staphylococcus aureus. The aim of this research is to know about the description of microbiologycal quality of smoked fish in Semarang and hygiene practices at producer and seller level. The used method was survey with cross sectional approach. The research was conducted in July-December 2004. Sample in this research consisted of two kinds, they were a respondent and fish sample. The respondent sample was taken by total population which was in the amount of 69 respondents, meanwhile the fish sample was taken by purposive sampling that is the amount of 32 samples. From this research, it is know that the amount rate of Staphylococcus aureus in the level producer, seller who is also a producer and common seller are 0,5x103 colony/gram, 2,0x103 colony/gram dan 3,8x103 colony/gram. Meanwhile the amount rate of total bactery in the level of producer, seller who is also a producer and common seller are 0,5x106 colony/gram, 1,0x106 colony/gram, 1,3x106 koloni/gram. From all samples, the proportion of smoked fish that is polluted by Staphylococccus aureus exceeds maximum limits is in the amount of 14,3% from common seller. In the level of producer, all treated smoked fish are still in the safe limits (£106 colony/gram). Meanwhile, in the level of seller, there is some samples that is containing total bactery over maximum limits, namely 40% samples in the level of seller who is also a producer and 85,7% in the level of common seller. 51,4% producers included in the category of bad hygiene and 48,6% included in the category of good hygiene. In the level of seller who is also a producer, 55,6% included in the category of bad hygiene practices and 44,4% included in the category of good hygiene. In the level of common seller, 57,1% included in the category of bad hygiene and 42,9% included in the category of good hygiene. Based on this research, the researcher suggest that producers should give guidelines to the employees to work. Meanwhile for the seller, it is suggested that they should provide clean water around for the selling place and avoid from cough and sneezing around smoked fish Keyword : smoked fish, total bactery, Staphylococcus aureus, producer, seller
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > RA Public aspects of medicine > RA0421 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive Medicine |
Divisions: | Faculty of Public Health > Department of Public Health |
ID Code: | 5905 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 28 Jan 2010 07:50 |
Last Modified: | 28 Jan 2010 07:50 |
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