PENGUKURAN NILAI KALOR PERTAMAX PLUS MENGGUNAKAN BOM KALORIMETER DENGAN VARIABEL PENGADUKAN (Measurement of Calorific Value Pertamax Plus using Bom Calorimeter with Agitation Variable)

UMI HABIBAH, TOHAR (2016) PENGUKURAN NILAI KALOR PERTAMAX PLUS MENGGUNAKAN BOM KALORIMETER DENGAN VARIABEL PENGADUKAN (Measurement of Calorific Value Pertamax Plus using Bom Calorimeter with Agitation Variable). Undergraduate thesis, undip.

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Heat is defined as the heat energy possessed by a substance. In general, to detect the presence of heat possessed by an object that is by measuring the temperature of the object. The size of the required heat of an object (substance) depends on three factors: the mass of a substance, the type of substance (specific heat), and temperature changes. Measurement of the amount of the heat of reaction is absorbed or released in a chemical reaction with an experiment called calorimetry. While the tool used to measure the amount of heat (calorific value) exemptions for the calorimeter. Calorimeter is divided into two types, namely the bomb calorimeter and calorimeter solution. Pertamax plus a fuel oil having a boiling point end 205 oC. In this research study on the effect of stirring on the performance in the bomb calorimeter measurement of calorific value pertamax plus. Power calorimeter is turned on, then fill the tube with pertamax bombs plus 450 ml, and as much as 4,5 liters of water tube and then insert the variable T1 (the sample temperature is 40oC, 45oC, 50oC, 55oC, 60oC, and the water temperature 32oC, 34oC, 36oC, 38oC, 40oC), variable stirrer (10 rpm, 15 rpm, 20 rpm, 25 rpm and 30 rpm). Subsequently turn the heater so that the sample can reach T1, when the sample temperature and the water temperature has reached T1, turn off the heater and press lighters, observe the changes to the two variables and record up to three times a constant temperature (the temperature as T2). The calorific value of the reaction obtained 38700,58 cal/ltr, 38836,84 cal/ltr, 38986,61 cal/ltr, 39245,63 cal/ltr, and 38700,58 cal/ltr. Produce the best experiment calorific value reaction is 38700,58 cal/ltr with the percent deviation experiment 4,02%. Keywords: bomb calorimeter, heating value, pertamax plus Email :

Item Type:Thesis (Undergraduate)
Subjects:T Technology > TP Chemical technology
Divisions:Faculty of Engineering > Diploma in Chemical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering > Diploma in Chemical Engineering
ID Code:58260
Deposited On:06 Dec 2017 15:01
Last Modified:06 Dec 2017 15:48

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