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Sesuai dengan teori jalan-tujuan (path-goal theory) yang dikemukakan oleh Robert House bahwa ada beberapa faktor yang berkaitan dengan hasil suatu pekerjaan diantaranya ialah dukungan pimpinan (perhatian, penghargaan, pemberian saran, konsultasi, pemberian kesempatan, pengembangan diri), supervisi (koordinasi, pengendalian, pengawasan), beban kerja (sifat dari pekerjaan, duplikasi tugas), cara kerja (kerjasama kelompok) dan sarana prasarana. Jenis penelitian adalah Explanatory Research dengan desain penelitian adalah crossectional study dengan subyek penelitian adalah petugas paramedis puskesmas yang sudah pernah mendapat pelatihan tentang TBC paru. Variabel yang diteliti adalah digunakan uji Rank Spearman untuk menguji adanya keterkaitan antara beban kerja dengan kelengkapan dan kebenaran pencatatan TB01, keterkatan antara dukungan pimpinan dengan kelengkapan dan kebenaran pencatatan TB01, keterkaitan antara supervisi dengan kelengkapan dan kebenaran pencatatan TB01,keterkaitan antara cara kerja dengan kelengkapan dan kebenaran pencatatan TB01 dan keterkaitan antara ketersediaan formulir TB01 dengan kelengkapan dan kebenaran pencatatan TB01. Analisis univariat memberikan informasi bahwa secara umum hasil pencatatan TB01 yang dilakukan oleh petugas paramedis di wilayah Kabupaten Semarang kurang baik atau dapat dikatakan belum lengkap dan belum benar. 32% petugas memiliki beban kerja berat dan 40% memiliki beban kerja sedang, kurangnya dukungan pimpinan/kepala puskesmas yang dinyatakan oleh 52% petuas, 48 petugas menyatakan formulir TB01 kurang tersedia di puskesmas, cara kerja petugas kurang baik (68%) serta kualitas supervisi yang dilakukan oleh wasor kabupaten kurang baik sebesar 52%.Hasil analisis menunjukkan adanya keterkaitan antara hasil pencatatan TB01 dengan beberapa faktor seperti beban kerja, dukungan pimpinan, ketersediaan formulir TB01, cara kerja serta supervisi pada taraf signifikansi 5%. Bagi instansi terkait perlu dipertimbangkan beban kerja petugas, memberikan dukungan yang cukup kepada petugas, memperbaiki cara kerja, memastikan tersedianya sarana (formulir TB01) dalam jumlah cukup dan meningkatkan kualitas supervisi. Kata Kunci: petugas paramedis, pencatatan TB01, puskesmas SPPORTING FACTORS OF PARAMEDICAL STAFF ON LOCAL PRIMARY HEALTH CENTERS RELATED TO THE COMPLETENESS AND THE CORRECTNESS OF TB01 REPORTS IN LOCAL PRIMARY HEALTH CENTERS IN THE AREA OF SEMARANG DISTRICT (Agree with path-goal theory by Robert House, that there are some factors related to the result of action, which are support from the leader (attention, reward, sugestion, discussion, ontrol), load of work (nature of the occupation, task duplication), work method (group cooperation), TB01 blank availability and supervision. The research is include to the Explanatory Research and the research design is crossectional study. The research subject is paramedical officials on local government clinic who have obtained a training of lungs tuberculosis. Variables are examined using the Rank Spearman test in order to find the relationship berween the load of work to the equipment and the correctness of TB01 records, relationship between the supervision to the equipment and the correctness of TB01 records, relationship between work method to the equipment and the correctness of TB01 records, and the last the relationship between TB01 blank availability to the equipment and the correctness of TB01 records. From the univariat analysis, we can get that, generally, the TB01 recorda noted by the paramedical officials on Semarang Regency is not good enough or we can say that it is not fully equipped and not wholly correct yet. 32% of the officials have hard load of work and 40% have average load of work, the lack suport from clinic leader/head is clarified by 52% officials, 48% officials declare the unavailability of TB01 blank on clinic, the work method is not quite (68%) and suggests that there is a relationship between TB01 recording to some factors, such as load of work, support from the leaders, TB01 blank availability, work method and supervision ini significant level 5%. There are some cases concerned to the related institution, such as, work load of the officals, give sufficient support to them repair the work method, ensure the tool availability (TB01 blank) and improve the supervision qualit. Keyword: paramedical official,TB01 recording, local government clinic
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > RA Public aspects of medicine > RA0421 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive Medicine |
Divisions: | Faculty of Public Health > Department of Public Health |
ID Code: | 5652 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 26 Jan 2010 14:50 |
Last Modified: | 26 Jan 2010 14:50 |
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