Lateral-Flow Assay for Rapid Serodiagnosis of Human Leptospirosis

Smits, Henk L. and Eapen, C. K. and Sugathan, Sheela and Kuriakose, Mariamma and Gasem, M. Hussein and Yersin, Claude and Sasaki, David and Pujianto, Bambang and Vestering, Marc and Abdoel, Theresia H and Gussenhoven, George C (2001) Lateral-Flow Assay for Rapid Serodiagnosis of Human Leptospirosis. Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology, 8 (1). pp. 166-169. ISSN 1071-412X

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An assay device for the rapid detection of Leptospira-specific immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibodies in human sera is presented. The sensitivity (85.8%) and specificity (93.6%) of the assay compared well (91.9% agreement) with those of an IgM enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay routinely used in the serodiagnosis of leptospirosis. The sensitivity of the assay varied with the stage of the disease. The assay uses stabilized components and is simply performed by the addition of serum and sample fluid to the sample well of the assay device. The assay is read after 10 min, and a positive result is obtained when staining of the test line is observed

Item Type:Article
Subjects:R Medicine > RB Pathology
Divisions:Faculty of Medicine > Department of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine > Department of Medicine
ID Code:554
Deposited By:Mr. Sugeng Priyanto
Deposited On:10 Sep 2009 14:33
Last Modified:10 Sep 2009 14:33

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