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Universitas Diponegoro sebagai salah satu universitas di Jawa Tengah yang berpusat di kota Semarang terdapat mahasiswa yang sudah menikah walaupun tidak tercatat dikemahasiswaan, dan sebagian dari mereka melakukan upaya penundaan kehamilan. Maksud dilakukan upaya penundaan kehamilan agar mahasiswa lebinh konsentrasi pada belajarnya, dapat mengikuti kegiatan kampus secara aktif dan selesai tepat waktu. Upaya penundaan kehamilan dilakukan dengan metode sederhana, alat kontrasepsi, maupun tradisional. Penelitian ini dilaskukabn dengan tujuan memngetahui hubungan upaya upaya penundaan kehamilan dan kelahiran anak masa kuliah pada mahasiswa reguler bidang kesehatan Universitaas Diponegorio tahun 2004. desain penelitian explanatory reseachdengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi penelitian adalanh mahasiswa reguler bidang kesehatan tahun 1998-2003. sampel diambil secara purposif sampling ialah semua mahasise\wa yang sudah menikah. Uji statistik yang digunakan yaitu chi square dengan signifikansi 95 %. Diperoleh kesimpulan terdapat hubungan antara upaya penundaan kehamilan metode sederhana dengan kelahiran anak masa kuliah (p value: 0,035) terdapat hubungan upaya penundaan kehamilan metode kontrasepsi dengan kelahiran anak masa kuliah (p value: 0,028), tidak terdapat hubungan upaya-upaya penundaan kehamilan metode tradisional dengan kelahiran anak masa kuliah (p value: 0,155) Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disarankan hasil penelitian disaran kan bagi BKKBN untuk memperhatikan kenyataan bahwa terdapat upaya penundaan kehamilan metode tradisional yang belum terbukti kebenaranya secara ilmiah, hal tersebut belum tentu efektif dan bahkan membahayakan bagi pemakainya. Bagi masya rakant sebaiknya mempersiapkan segalanya dengan matang. Mahasiswa sebaiknya memperhatikan pemilihan metode penundaan kehamilan, yang higienis dan rasional. Bagi peneliti lain diharapkan hasil penelitian ini dapat dijadikan titik awal penelitian untuk kasus yang sama. Kata Kunci: metode KB sederhana, metode KB modern alat kontrasepsi, metode KB tradisional, kelahiran anak masa kuliah THE EFFORT OF PREGNANCY POSTPENEMENT AND CHILD BIRTH OF LECTURE PERIOD IN REGULER STUDENT MAJORING IN HEALTH AT DIPONEGORO UNIVERSITY YEAR 2004 Universitas Diponegoro as one universitas in central Java centered in Semarang city has students who have been married, effethough they are not registered inuniversity student affair, and some of them conduct and effort to postpone their pregnancy. To purpose of thuis effort is to make them more concentrat in their studies, and also follow campus actifity activelly and finish treir studies ontin\me. An effort pregnancy postponement is conducted by using simple method, modern contraception or tradisional methode the research is purpose to know the corelatian between efforts of pregnancy post penement and child birth of lecture periode in reguler university student majoring in health at Diponegoro University in 2004. the used reseach desain was an explanatory reseach wich crosscectional approch. The research population was all reguler in university student majoring in health of diponegoro University in the academic year of 1998 – 2003. Sample taken by porpusive sampling were all maried student. The used statistical test was chi square. The result of hipotesis test by using chi square with significancy 95% obtained conclution that is correlation between an effort of pregnacy post ponement using simple method and child birth of lecture period ( p value : 0,035). This is correlation between an effort postpenement using contraception method and child birth lecture period (p value : 0,028) there is corolation between an effort of pregnancy postponemet using traditional method and child brith of lecture period ( P value: 0,155). Based on the resuld, is the sugested for BKKBN to pay attention the fact that society (university student) there is an effort of pregnancy postponement using traditionasl method which has not been provited it is proff scienticelly, this metode may not be efective or eventhearten the user. For people (University Students), it would be better if the prepaire everiting well before decidethouged married, strive for fregnancy post pounement, and bear child in lecture periode. The University student shold pay ettention to the metode selection of higienicallyprecnancy postpenement efford and rational metode, namely simple methode and contraceptioan metode. For the other this reseacher, it ia expented thet the resuled can be the starting point for the next reseach in the same case. Keyword: Metode of simple familly planning program Methode of modern kontraception familly planning programTraditional familly planning program met
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > RA Public aspects of medicine > RA0421 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive Medicine |
Divisions: | Faculty of Public Health > Department of Public Health |
ID Code: | 5521 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 26 Jan 2010 09:47 |
Last Modified: | 26 Jan 2010 09:47 |
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