Hubungan Antara Foot Self-Care Dan Neuropati Perifer Pada Diabetisi

Dewi, Nindy Kartika and Kusumaningrum, Niken Safitri Dyan (2017) Hubungan Antara Foot Self-Care Dan Neuropati Perifer Pada Diabetisi. Undergraduate thesis, Faculty of Medicine.

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ABSTRACT Peripheral neuropathy is a complications of microvascular is most often experienced by people with Diabetes mellitus (DM) that happens on peripheral parts and causes the nervesdysfunction about the sensory nerve, motoric, and autonomic. Complications can be prevented by doing treatment such as foot self-care. The aims of this research was to identify the relationship between foot self-care and peripheral neuropathies on diabetics in PuskesmasRowosari Semarang. This research was quantitative correlation research with cross sectionalapproach. Purposive samplingwas used in this research.Peripheral neuropathy observation sheet and foot self-care questionnaire were used to gather the data.Spearman analysis was used in this research.As many as 80 respondents participated in this research. There were more diabetics with mild neuropathy (66.4%) compared to diabetics with moderate or severe neuropathy (25%; 5%).The majority of levelfoot self-care was good (85%).The bivariat analysis was concluded that there was a relationship between the negative nature of foot self-care and peripheral neuropathy on diabetics with ρ= 0.001dan r=-0.539. This means that the higher the value of foot self-care the lower peripheral neuropathies. Therefore, early examination was prevention with foot self-careto prevent the peripheral neuropathy. Keywords: Diabetes Mellitus, Foot Self-Care, Neuropati Perifer

Item Type:Thesis (Undergraduate)
Subjects:R Medicine > RT Nursing
R Medicine > RZ Other systems of medicine
Divisions:Faculty of Medicine > Department of Nursing
Faculty of Medicine > Department of Nursing
ID Code:55114
Deposited On:04 Aug 2017 13:59
Last Modified:04 Aug 2017 13:59

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