Tingkat Kesukaan, Warna, Aroma dan Angka Peroksida Abon Sapi Oven dengan Penambahan Ekstrak Kunyit (Curcuma domestica L.) dan Lama Penyimpanan yang Berbeda. (The Value of Preference, Colour, Flavour and Peroxide Value of Dried Beef Abon with Addition of Extract Curcuma and Different Periode of Storage).

Listiyana, Listiyana (2008) Tingkat Kesukaan, Warna, Aroma dan Angka Peroksida Abon Sapi Oven dengan Penambahan Ekstrak Kunyit (Curcuma domestica L.) dan Lama Penyimpanan yang Berbeda. (The Value of Preference, Colour, Flavour and Peroxide Value of Dried Beef Abon with Addition of Extract Curcuma and Different Periode of Storage). Undergraduate thesis, Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Diponegoro.


Item Type:Thesis (Undergraduate)
Subjects:S Agriculture > SF Animal culture
Divisions:Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences > Department of Animal Agriculture
ID Code:5464
Deposited On:25 Jan 2010 16:44
Last Modified:25 Jan 2010 16:44

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