Oktiva Herry , Chandra (2011) THE STUDY OF WORD PLAY IN CAPEK COLOUMN. In: International Seminar Language Maintenance and Shift. ISSN: 2088-6799, 2 Juli 2011, Hotel Pandanaran Semarang.
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Language is a medium of communication which can be functioned to various aims, such as giving socialcriticism and factual issues, and showing attitude and perception of certain people to certain situation.The communication is sometimes spoken indirectly, meaning that the linguistic forms and the content canbe intrepreted to have more than one meaning. The speaker uses this way for the sake of his/herconvenience. Word Play as one kind of implicite communications which is packed in humour genre isoften used by the writer of coloumn Catatan Plesetan Kelik (CAPEK) in daily news Suara Merdeka torender criticisms on social, educational, economic, and ,even, sport issues. The main problems of this article are (1) how does the writer of CAPEK compose the Word FormationRules of his word play, (2) what are the language motivations behind the use of the Word Play, and (3)what are the reference deviations of the Word Play. The data to analyse are the words or phrases found in the CAPEK coloumn which contain word play. Thedocumentaion method was used in collecting data. The results show that, in making a word play, thewriter uses several systems of word formation rules, they are compounding, acronym, initialization,derivation, borrowing, inflection, clipping, and back formation. The word play in this coloumn isbackgrounded by different language motivations, such as phonetic, morfological, and semanticmotivation. The issues revealed are of politic, social, educational, and sport issues. The results alsoindicate the writer of of CAPEK coloumn uses reference deviation to reach his goal, that is, giving hiscritical opinion to certain situation.
Item Type: | Conference or Workshop Item (Paper) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | word play, word formation rules, deviation of reference, and language motivation |
Subjects: | P Language and Literature > P Philology. Linguistics |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Linguistic |
ID Code: | 54029 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 06 Jun 2017 10:13 |
Last Modified: | 06 Jun 2017 10:13 |
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