Intania, Irena and Sujianto, Untung and Jati, Sutopo Patria (2017) Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Kualitas Kolaborasi Antara Dokter Dan Perawat Di Rumah Sakit Permata Medika Semarang. Masters thesis, UNIVERSITAS DIPONEGORO.
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Universitas Diponegoro Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Program Studi Magister Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Konsentrasi Administrasi Rumah Sakit 2017 ABSTRAK Irena Intania Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Kualitas Kolaborasi Antara Dokter Dan Perawat Di Rumah Sakit Permata Medika Semarang xviii + 100 halaman + 42 tabel + 2 gambar + 14 lampiran Kolaborasi yang tidak berjalan dengan baik dapat mempangaruhi kualitas pelayanan yang diberikan kepada pasien, sehingga hal tersebut dapat mempengaruhi kesembuhan pasien. Bagi profesi dampak buruknya kolaborasi mempengaruhi hubungan dan kepuasan kerja dokter maupun perawat, sedangkan bagi manajemen pengaruh kolaborasi yang tidak baik adalah turunnya BOR dan meningkatnya lama perawatan karena tidak efektifnya pelayanan kepada pasien hal tersebut dapat berdampak pada kepuasan pasien. Penelitian kuantitatif belah lintang (Cross Sectional) untuk menghitung kuisioner value customer dengan skala Likert dan kualitatif melalui observasi, telaah dokumen kolaborasi antara dokter dan perawat. Wawancara mendalam (in-depth interview) dan wawancara tidak terstruktur dengan informan teripilih dan ditentukan. Sampel dalam penelitian ini 15 dokter umum dan 15 Ners yang bekerja di RS Permata Medika sampai Desember 2016. Responden laki-laki (83,3%), perempuan (16,7%) Umur <25 (20%) umur 25-35 tahun (43,3%), >35 tahun (36,7%). Tingkat pendidikan dokter 50% dan ners 50%. Masa kerja responden 1-2 tahun (83,3%), >2tahun (16,7%) responden. Karakteristik individu berperan signifikan terhadap kolaborasi. Karakteristik individu yang paling berperan terhadap kolaborasi adalah usia. Temuan yang didapatkan peneliti untuk kontrol kekuasaan masih sulit terjadi akibat hubungan yang seimbang antara kedua profesi tersebut dan komunikasi yang terjalin kurang bagus. Tentang lingkup praktek telah terjalin kolaborasi yang baik antara dokter dan perawat. Untuk kepentingan bersama kedua profesi tidak memperhatikan dan melihat prosedur tetap pelayanan dan pada tujuan bersama kolaborasi dokter dan perawat terdapat tumpang tindih tanggungjawab dengan alasan pekerjaan yang terburu-buru tanpa memperhatikan Standar Operating Procedur (SOP) dan job description. Kata kunci : Kolaborasi, Karakteristik Individu, Dokter, dan Perawat Kepustakaan : 35 (1994-2013)Diponegoro University Faculty of Public Health Master’s Study Program in Public Health Majoring in Hospital Administration 2017 ABSTRACT Irena Intania Analysis of Factors relating to Collaboration Quality between Physicians and Nurses at Permata Medika Hospital of Semarang xviii + 100 pages + 42 tables + 2 figures + 14 appendices Not good collaboration influences a quality of provided services to patients by which it can affect their healing processes. Bad collaboration also influences the relationship between a physician and a nurse. For management, this condition can decrease BOR and increase the length of treatment due to ineffectiveness of services to patients that can affect to patients’ satisfaction. This was a cross-sectional study to calculate a questionnaire of customers’ value using Likert scale and using a qualitative method by observing, undertaking a review of collaboration documents between a physician and a nurse. Indepth interview and unstructured interview with selected informants were conducted. Samples of this study consisted of 15 medical doctors and 15 nurses who had been working at Permata Medika Hospital until December 2016. Proportions of the respondents based on sex differences were male (83.3%), female (16.7%). Proportions of the respondents based on their ages were <25 years old (20%), 25-35 years old (43.3%), and >35 years old (36.7%). Proportions of educational levels of a physician and a nurse respectively were 50% and 50%. Proportions of working period were 1-2 years (83.3%) and >2 years (16.7%). Individual characteristics significantly played an important role to collaboration. The most important individual characteristic was age. The findings of this study demonstrated that there was any difficulty in controlling authority because the relationship between these both professions was equal and communication was not good. Regarding a scope of practice, the collaboration between them was good. These both profession did not pay attention to a fixed service procedure. The goals of these both professions were overlap with the reasons that all works needed to be accomplished soon without paying attention to Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and job descriptions. Keywords : Collaboration, Individual Characteristics, Physician, Nurse Bibliography: 35 (1994-2013)
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | Q Science > Q Science (General) |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Public Health |
ID Code: | 53807 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 23 May 2017 08:30 |
Last Modified: | 23 May 2017 08:30 |
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