Pambajeng, Hita Sinidikoro and Siswati, Siswati (2017) Hubungan antara psychological well being dengan efikasi diri pada guru bersertifikasi di SMA Negeri Kabupaten Pati. Undergraduate thesis, UNDIP.
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Abstrak Penelitianinibertujuanuntukmengetahuihubunganantarapsychological well beingdenganefikasidiripada guru bersertifikasi. Populasidalampenelitianiniadalah guru bersertifikasi di SMA NegeriKabupatenPatisebanyak 320 orang.Sampelpenelitiansebanyak 167 guru berasaldari SMA N 1 Pati, SMA N 3 Pati, SMA N 1 Tayudan SMA N 1 Kayen yang didapatkandenganteknikcluster random sampling.Alatukur yang digunakanadalahskalaefikasidirisebanyak 25 aitem (α = 0,898) danskalapsychological well beingsebanyak 36 aitem (α = 0,922). Teknikanalisis data yang digunakandalampenelitianiniadalahanalisisregresisederhana.Hasilpenelitianmenunjukkanrxy = 0,777dengan p = 0,000 (p<0,05) sehinggadisimpulkanadahubunganpositifantarapsychological well beingdenganefikasidiri. Hal inimenunjukkanbahwasemakintinggipsychological well being, makasemakintinggiefikasidiri guru bersertifikasi.Sebaliknya, semakinrendahpsychological well being, makasemakinrendahefikasidiri guru bersertifikasi.Psychological well beingmemberikansumbanganefektifsebesar 60,4% padaefikasidiri. Kata kunci :efikasidiri;psychological well being;guru bersertifikasi Abstract This study has an aim to determine the relationship between psychological well being and self efficacy at certified teachers. The population in this study is a certified teacher in SMA NegeriPati as much as 320 people. Sample taken in this study was 167teachers from SMA N 1 Pati, SMA N 3 Pati, SMA N 1 Tayu, and SMA N 1 Kayen by using cluster random sampling technique. There were measurement instruments used in this study, Self Efficacy Scale with 25 items (α = 0,898) and Psychological Well Being Scale with 36 items (α = 0,922). Simple regression analysis was used as data analysis technique. The result of the study show rxy=0,777 with p=0,000 (p<0,05) so that there is a positive relationship between psychological well being and self efficacy. It indicates that the higher psychological well being, then self efficacy of certified teachers will also higher. In opposite, if the psychological well being is low, so the self efficacy of certified teachers will be also low. Psychological well being give an effective contribution to 60,4% of self efficacy. Kata Kunci :self efficacy; psychological well being; certified teachers
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Subjects: | B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BF Psychology |
Divisions: | Faculty of Psychology > Department of Psychology |
ID Code: | 53398 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 14 Aug 2017 15:35 |
Last Modified: | 14 Aug 2017 15:35 |
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