Development of Self Management Support Through Independent Health Card

Dwidiyanti, Meidiana and S, Chriswardani (2016) Development of Self Management Support Through Independent Health Card. International Conference on Public Heath for Tropical and Coastal Development (COPH-TCD 2016) . p. 19. ISSN 978-602-74235-5-8



Background: The pulmonary TB patients require prolong treatment along 3 – 6 month. So they require ability to manage care including compliance to treatment control their emotional status and ability to live in the normal life. Even though the government has implemented the DOTs program since several years ago, but there is still problems of the high prevalence of pulmonary TB in Indonesia that put in number four in the world. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effects of Self Managemen Support through Independent Health Card toward the independencies of TB patients in physical, psychological, social and spiritual. Method: The quasi experimental design was used in this study with pre post control design. 60 persons was elected as the sample of this study that derived 30 people for control group and 30 other in intervention group. The intervention was done 2 month by using Self Managemen Support which is consist of supporting, observation, well-being, action and nursing and use Independent Health Card. Validity and reliability test instrument do for 30 people. Independent health card have score validity test more than r table, r > 0.361. Realibity test use Cronbach Alpha which score α 0.880 this show that instument very reliable. Scale health partner have score validity test more than r table, r > 0.361 and reliabillity α 0.723. This score show that instrument are valid and reliable. The Result: Result of this study showed that there was increasing of independently level in the intervention group after the intervention with mean from 32.86 before intervention to 55.33 after the intervention with significant different p value 0.000 and there was significant different between the intervention group and control group (p= 0.000) that result also shown in evaluation using self-assessment card after intervention. There is increasing self-awareness and self-management among the responded from grade 3 to grade 4.9 (value range from 1 – 5). Beside that from Scale Health Partner showed that there are 45 patient’s (75 %) capable to be healthy partner, 13 patient’s (22 %) capable enough to be healthy partner and 2 patient’s (2 %) not able to be healthy partner. Conclusion: As the conclusion, this study provide the significant effect of holistic nursing care by using Self Managemen Support Through Independent Health Card in increasing the independency level of TB patients in physical, psychological, spiritual and social. It is recommended the Self Managemen Support program can be implemented in nursing care of chronic diseases in primary care. Keywords: Self Managemen

Item Type:Article
Subjects:R Medicine > RT Nursing
Divisions:Faculty of Medicine > Department of Nursing
Faculty of Medicine > Department of Nursing
ID Code:51992
Deposited On:24 Feb 2017 15:19
Last Modified:24 Feb 2017 15:19

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