Manajemen STres Pasien dengan Ulkus Kaki DIabetikum di RSUD Kota Semarang

Azhari, Luthfi Nur and Setyawan, Dody (2016) Manajemen STres Pasien dengan Ulkus Kaki DIabetikum di RSUD Kota Semarang. Undergraduate thesis, Faculty of Medicine.

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Department of Nursing Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University Semarang, October 2016 ABSTRACT Luthfi Nur Azhari Stress Management of Diabetic Foot Ulcer Patients In Semarang State Hospital xvi + 117 Pages + 21 Tabels + 3 Pictures + 17 Appendices Diabetic foot ulcer is one of the most common diabetic complications. Diabetic foot ulcer gives psychological burden in the form stress to it’s sufferer. Whereas stress can bring negative effects to glycemic control and ulcer conditon, which is decreasing wound healing process and increasing infection risk. Therefore a proper stress management is necessary for the patient. The purpose of this study was to determine the stress management of patient with diabetic foot ulcers in the Surgical Ward of Semarang State Hospital, Semarang. This study represented a quantitative descriptive and used questionnaires as its instrument. The sampling technique was purposive sampling and involved 125 respondent. The result showed that 69,6% of the respondents performed stress management in rather well categories. Showed by the majority of respondents doing medical check up regularly (55,2%), doing worship rituals (83,2%), gathering with family (87,2%), be able to accept their health condition (58,4%), have family support in ulcer care directly (84,0%) and have optimistic mind about their health issue (77,6%). The study recomends the diabetic foot ulcer patients to improve their stress management to avoid further complications by learning and practicing relaxation technique. In addition, it is also necessary that the hospital optimizes the existing stress management by giving education about relaxation technique for reducing stress and diet plan for diabetic foot ulcer patients, and making support group for them that consist of diabetic foot ulcer patients. Keywords : Stress Management, Diabetic Foot Ulcer, Diabetes Mellitus References : 95 (2000-2016)

Item Type:Thesis (Undergraduate)
Subjects:R Medicine > RT Nursing
Divisions:Faculty of Medicine > Department of Nursing
Faculty of Medicine > Department of Nursing
ID Code:50908
Deposited On:20 Dec 2016 11:29
Last Modified:20 Dec 2016 11:29

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