RAJAB , H N Amarullah and NUGROHO , SBM (2016) STRATEGI PENGEMBANGAN OBYEK KAMPOENG WISATA TAMAN LELE SEMARANG. Undergraduate thesis, Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis.

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Kampoeng Wisata Lele Park is one of the attractions owned by the government of Semarang potential and quite interesting. The potential possessed by Kampoeng Wisata Lele Park is the only object of nuanced water with village atmosphere with shady and beautiful nature. Nevertheless, the object Kampoeng Wisata Taman Lele was still less developed compared with other attractions in the city of Semarang. Various measures had been taken, but such measures has not yet been able to increase the number of visitors. This study aims to describe the development of object Kampoeng Wisata Lele Park in the city of Semarang and analyze policies in increasing the number of visitors. This study using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). This method is used to analyze alternative policies 11 tourism development that has been proposed by the key-person through the interview process before. The alternatives are divided into three aspects, namely infrastructure, promotional aspects and institutional aspects. Overall policy alternatives will be analyzed by 2 respondents, the key-persons and objects visitors of Kampoeng Wisata Taman Lele. The result of AHP analysis showed that of these three aspects in the development of object Kampoeng Wisata Taman Lele, the respondent has the aspect of infrastructure as a top priority and the renovation of the vehicle and the new vehicle is the optimal policy in the development of object Kampoeng Wisata Taman Lele to increase the number of visitors to the inconsistencies ≤ 0, 1 which means that a consistent and acceptable.

Item Type:Thesis (Undergraduate)
Additional Information:Development Kampoeng object Lele Park Tourism, Analytical Hierarchy Process, Renovation Vehicle and New Vehicle.
Uncontrolled Keywords:Development Kampoeng object Lele Park Tourism, Analytical Hierarchy Process, Renovation Vehicle and New Vehicle.
Subjects:H Social Sciences > H Social Sciences (General)
Divisions:Faculty of Economics and Business > Department of Economics and Development Studies
ID Code:50578
Deposited On:24 Oct 2016 13:40
Last Modified:24 Oct 2016 13:40

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