Syarifudin, Yanuar Taufik and Mukhammad, Alaya Fadllu Hadi (2016) RANCANG BANGUN TUNGKU PELEBURAN ALUMINIUM SKALA LABORATORIUM ( DESIGN OF ALUMINIUM FURNACE CASTING FOR LABORATORY SCALE ). Undergraduate thesis, D3 Teknik Mesin Fakultas Teknik.
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Tungku Peleburan Logam ini diciptakan untuk skala laboratorium dalam upaya meleburkan alumunium. Semakin berkembangnya teknologi diperlukan teknologi yang sederhana tetapi efesien dalam penggunaanya. Tungku peleburan logam alumunium ini memiliki kapasitas 5-7 kg alumunium cair. Dalam proses peleburan sumber panas berasal dari bahan bakar gas LPG (Liquified Petroleum Gasses) yang ramah lingkungan. Tungku peleburan logam alumunium ini terbuat dari drum bekas yang dindingnya dilapisi oleh batu bata dan semen tahan api. Tungku Peleburan ini juga dilengkapi dengan burner yang berfungsi menghisap oksigen dari lingkungan sekaligus berfungsi sebagai saluran output bahan bakar yang terhubung dari tabung gas LPG. Diperlukan variasi putaran kecepatan burner dan katup bahan bakar untuk mengetahui kemampuan tungku meleburkan alumunium, serta untuk mencapai pembakaran yang ideal juga diperlukan persamaan stoikiometri antara bahan bakar dan udara dalam teoritisnya. Dalam pengujiannya untuk menghasilkan temperatur alumunium cair sebesar 800°C membutuhkan waktu paling cepat yakni 28 menit dengan variasi putaran kecepatan burner 2000 rpm dan bukaan katup bahan bakar penuh dengan AFR (Air Fuel Ratio) 16,106 (masa udara) : 1 (masa bahan bakar) dan efesiensi yang dihasilkan sebesar 95,6%, besar efesiensi yang tertinggi merupakan kemampuan yang mampu dihasilkan tungku pengeocaran tersebut. Kata kunci : Tungku, alumunium, burner Metal Casting Furnace was created to the scale of laboratory in an attempt to melt alumunium. the development of technology needed technology that is simple but efficient in its use. Alumunium foundry furnace has a capacity of 5-7 kg of liquid alumunium. In the process of casting the heat source coming from the fuel gas LPG (Liquified Petroleum Gasses) that is environmentally friendly. Metal casting furnace is made of alumunium drums whose walls are lined with brick and refractory cement. The casting furnace is also equipped with a burner which serves to suck oxygen from the environment and serves as a conduit that connects the fuel output of LPG gas cylinders. It is required the variation of rotation speed burner and fuel valves to determine the ability of the furnace to melt alumunium, as well as to achieve ideal combustion is also required stoichiometric equation between the fuel and air in .In theoretical test to produce molten alumunium temperature of 800 ° C requires the fastest time of the 28 minutes with variations in rotation speed 2000 rpm and burner fuel valve opening is filled with AFR (Air fuel Ratio) 16.106 (air mass): 1 (future fuel) and the resulting efficiency is 95.6%, the highest great efficiency is the ability capable of being resulted by the casting furnace. Keywords: Furnace, alumunium, burner
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Subjects: | T Technology > TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery |
Divisions: | Faculty of Engineering > Diploma in Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Engineering > Diploma in Mechanical Engineering |
ID Code: | 50339 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 12 Oct 2016 11:17 |
Last Modified: | 12 Oct 2016 11:17 |
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