FADHILLA, Salis Huda and HENDARTO, R Mulyo (2016) PENGEMBANGAN OBJEK WISATA WIDURI WATER PARK DI KABUPATEN PEMALANG. Undergraduate thesis, Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis.

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Widuri Water Park is one of potential tourist attraction, has been build and worthy of being an icon of tourism in Pemalang regency. Potential possessed by Widuri Water park among others, is a very strategic location, has a charming, dilightful an ideal as a place of recreation. Neverthless, during the years 2010-2014 the number of visitor attractions of Widuri Water Park decreased from year to year. This research aims to determine the development strategy that should prioritize to increase the number of visitor of tourist attraction Widuri Water Park in Pemalang Regency. This study uses Analysis Hierarchy Process (AHP). This method is used to analyze 10 policies of alternative development tourist attraction Widuri Water Park proposed by the Key Person which has been through interview process before. Alternatives are divided into three aspects; promotion aspect, infrastructure aspect, and management aspect. The whole of these alternatives will be analyzed by two different types of respondents; thas is the Key Person and the visitor of tourist attraction. The Key Person as many as 5 respondenst, that is from academics, businessman, goverment and community and then the visitor of tourist attraction Widuri Water Park in Pemalang Regency by 30 respondents. The result of this study based on the overall alternative to the three aspects by each respondent prioritized for developing of tourist attraction Widuri Water Park is to perform maintenance rides regularly with inconsistency ratio of 0.05 or less than 0.10, which means that this analysis is consistent and acceptable to be a priority in the development of tourist attraction Widuri Water Park. Alternative of perform maintenance rides regularly is the highest priority among other alternatives.

Item Type:Thesis (Undergraduate)
Additional Information:Supply, Analysis Hierarchy Process, Development Tourist Attraction
Uncontrolled Keywords:Supply, Analysis Hierarchy Process, Development Tourist Attraction
Subjects:H Social Sciences > H Social Sciences (General)
Divisions:Faculty of Economics and Business > Department of Economics and Development Studies
ID Code:49526
Deposited On:26 Jul 2016 10:46
Last Modified:26 Jul 2016 10:46

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