Cristin Harnita , Pratiwi (2015) Analisa Pengaruh Desain Komunikasi Visual Terhadap Brand Awareness Dan Dampaknya Pada Minat Beli Produk Djarum Black Mild (Studi Pada Konsumen Rokok di Kota Semarang). Masters thesis, Master Program in Communication Science.
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Rokok Djarum Black Mild di klaim sebagai satu-satunya rokok yang memiliki inovasi teknologi double filter di Indonesia yang menimbulkan efek smoothness yang khas. Setiap inovasi produk dilakukan untuk mengembangkan bisnis dan menambah keuntungan namun harapan tersebut belum berlaku untuk produk Djarum Black Mild. Inovasi yang dilakukan pada kemasan dan kualitas produk belum bisa menjadi pemicu minat beli, padahal citra merek Djarum Black sangat tinggi di masyarakat. Ada kemungkinan konsumen rokok mengalami disonansi kognitif sehingga peneliti mencoba untuk melihat apakah hal tersebut juga bisa berpengaruh pada brand awareness dan minat belinya dengan menggunakan metode kuantitatif-deskriptif explanatif survey pada perokok usia 18-35 tahun di kota Semarang yang pernah mencoba rokok Djarum Black Mild dan merokok minimal 6 batang sehari. Dalam paparan deskriptif, brand awareness Djarum Black Mild sangat tinggi yaitu 31%, namun belum menjadi rokok utama. Djarum Black Mild punya kesempatan berkembang, karena sebanyak 7% responden memilih sebagai rokok selingan. Selain itu, sebanyak 71% responden menyatakan mereka mendapatkan informasi tentang produk dari televisi dan teman sehingga faktor media massa dan rekomendasi orang terdekat penting untuk diperhatikan dalam rancangan komunikasi pemasaran. Uji inferential dilakukan dengan metode path analysis untuk menunjukkan besaran pengaruh langsung dan tidak langsung dari variabel desain kemasan visual, brand awareness dan minat beli. Hasil uji menunjukkan, desain komunikasi visual memiliki pengaruh terhadap brand awareness sebesar y=20,364 +0,601X. Ada pengaruh antara brand awareness terhadap variable minat beli sebesar Y2=-4,23+0,426Y1. Ada pengaruh antara desain kemasan visual terhadap variabel minat beli sebesar Y2=-4,26+0,435X. Terlihat bahwa konstanta brand awareness sangat besar dibandingan variabel lain sebesar 20,364, menunjukkan variabel desain kemasan visual tidak memiliki pengaruh yang besar sehingga penting bagi perusahaan ketika berinovasi lebih berfokus pada pengembangan brand awareness produk yang dampaknya bisa terjadi pada minat beli konsumen. Hal tersebut semakin ditegaskan dengan hasil IE (Indirect Effect) menunjukkan bahwa desain komunikasi visual kemasan memiliki total pengaruh yang kecil yaitu sebesar 0,126. Kecilnya besaran pengaruh desain komunikasi visual kemasan terhadap minat beli produk Djarum Black Mild bisa dikarenakan faktor luar yaitu lama merokok (loyalitas merek), usia, gaya hidup, aktivasi brand, dan lain-lain. Teori difusi inovasi kemudian digunakan melihat “consumer adoption process”. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan proses penyebaran informasi produk masih pada tahap keempat dari kelima tahap yaitu kesadaran, perhatian, penilaian, percobaan, adopsi. Djarum Black Mild belum mencapai tahap adopsi karena belum menjadi rokok utama. Proses adopsi produk bisa cepat bisa pula lambat, sehingga diperlukan upaya-upaya salah satunya dengan inovasi produk. Kata Kunci: Brand Awareness, Desain Komunikasi Visual Kemasan, Inovasi Produk, Minat Beli, Difusi Inovasi Every product innovation is aimed for developing the business and increase the profit. One of Djarum’s innovation can be seen in Djarum Black Mild cigarette, which is claimed as the only cigarette in Indonesia that has double filter technology creating a signature smoothness effect. However, at Djarum Black Mild’s case, the innovation hasn’t shown the expected result. The innovation toward its product quality and packaging can’t enhance the consumers’ buying interest despite the high Djarum Black Mild’s brand image in society. There’s a possibility that cigarette consumers experience a cognitive dissonance. Therefore, the researcher tried to observe whether it was the one that influenced the brand awareness and buying interest of smokers. The researcher conducted a qualitative- explanatory descriptive survey to 18-to-35-year-old smokers in Semarang; all of them have tried Djarum Black Mild before and consume minimum 6 cigarettes per day. In descriptive explanation, the brand awareness of Djarum Black Mild was very high, with the percentage of 31% although the smokers didn’t consume it as their primary cigarette. However, Djarum Black Mild was very potential to develop more because 7% of the participants said that it was their secondary cigarette. Furthermore, 71% of the participants stated that they got the information of the product from television and friends. It indicates that mass media and recommendation from people are very important to be taken into account in marketing communication design. The inferential test was done using path analysis method to show the amount of direct and indirect influence of visual packaging design, brand awareness, and buying interest. The result showed that visual communication design affected brand awareness as much as y=20,364+0,601X; brand awareness affected buying interest as much as Y2=-4,23+0,426Y1; visual communication design affected buying interest as much as Y2=-4,26+0,435X. It can be seen that brand awareness constanta is very big compared to the other variables, which was as much as 20,364. It showed that visual communication design didn’t have big influence so that it can be concluded that when a company wants to innovate, it’s important to focus more on the development of the product’s brand awareness because it gives greater impact on the consumers’ buying interest. This conclusion was supported by the IE (Indirect Effect) that showed that visual communication design had little total influence, which was as much as 0,126. This little influence of visual communication design toward the buying interest of Djarum Black Mild can be caused by external factor such as how long somebody smokes (brand loyalty), age, lifestyle, brand activation,etc. The theory of diffusion of innovations was used to observe the consumer adoption process. The research showed that the product was still in the 4th out of the 5 stages of this process (product awareness, product interest, product evaluation, product trial, and product adoption). Djarum Black Mild hasn’t reached the adoption stage because it is not the primary cigarette yet for most of the participants. The process of the product adoption can be fast and can be slow; therefore some efforts have to be done, one of them is by product innovation. Keywords: Brand Awareness, Visual Communication Design, Product Innovation, Buying Interest, Diffusion of Innovations.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > H Social Sciences (General) |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Communication Science |
ID Code: | 48747 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 03 May 2016 11:34 |
Last Modified: | 03 May 2016 11:34 |
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